Thursday, February 21, 2008

Finishing the unfinished.....Episode 1.

A long, long time ago......

Nah, not really, but a while ago at the end of my quilt retreat, i started a green and pink post and rail from my birthday scrap bags-it has been languishing at a decidedly un-useful size so I played with it to baby quilt size, I also have been working with some of my chenille stash.

Why do I have a feeling that i will be saying, "I have been working with some of my chenille stash" when I am 85? Oh, well, this would be why!!!

Don't you just love Op shops!
Add another couple of pinks, a red and a green and you can start to see what I have collected-a lot are double as well. (I would actually love some white and I am willing to swap so yell if you can help.)

Anyway, I have been using some of the lemon, and added it to some Sanctuary charm squares and we now have 2 baby quilts.

The calves were up for breakfast and enjoyed the wind and the quilts in their hair!

How is a man supposed to eat!


Ony allowable because the finished chenille one needed a wash anyway.

I backed it in fleecy and just pillowcased it, very easy.

The chenille quilt baby has 2 bigger sisters so I made them 2 of my 15 minute quilted bags, shrewdly utilizing more chenille stash! These are dead easy and my staple present for any girl aged 2 to 12. Yell if you want the easy instructions.

I may not be posting for a few days, not dying, just going for a romantic weekend watching V8 supercars drive around the city track in Adelaide with my favourite husband...kind of like letting Daytona cars out through the side gate to run free around the city. May not sound romantic but no kids, no cooking and grown up talk...not too shabby to me!

Note to anyone concerned: Don't bother robbing house, parents babysitting with dogs so not worth the effort!

Trying to work out what to take for the 12 hours in the car, last year I got heaps done on the Lone star I showed on the hay bales....what would be a fun project other than just bindings....?
Have a fun few days, I will! Tracey


  1. Love the chenille baby quilt and the older sisters' bags. I'm shouting for the directions on the bags. Since I'm not a bag maker you caught my interest with the statement that they are "dead easy."

    Hope you have a great get away with you dh.

  2. the lot especially the chenille pile....enjoy your weekend.

  3. Yelling!! I need something to do while Hunney watches the V8s too.

    Love the quilts, glad to see the models are still gettig plenty of work.

  4. Have a fun get-a-way . . . binding is my favorite part*s*

  5. Listen DH and I think we've pulled one over on the kids if we sneak out for a quiet visit a deux to the supermarket - how sad is that? The car racing sounds like Paris in the Springtime by comparison

  6. Have a great time! The baby quilt is adorable, and I'd also like to get the directions for the bags.

  7. Wow you have been busy! I love those baby quilts, and the purses! And the pictures with the new calves are sooo cute! Oh have a great trip with no kids!

  8. What a great chenille stash!!! I love both the quilts and the bags are gorgeous... Have a great time away with the 'favourite' hubby. LOL!!!


  9. What a superb chenille stash. I have a very small stash, but you Tracey are the master!!! wow. As for the V8's you are welcome to them, urrgh. But it sounds like it will be nice away time with hubby so I really hope you enjoy.

  10. Love the pictures of the quilts with the calves...very cute! Have a nice time away.

  11. Love the calf and quilt photos! Have a great time at the races.

  12. I am always amazed at how much you get done! I LOVE the photo a few posts down with the quilt tops on the hay bales...would make a great note card.

  13. Those chenille baby quilts are adorable and if you can't hear the shouting from the states for the instructions on those bags -- um, I'll yell louder!!!

    As for the trips to the pool while sewing -- sounds about right to me :0).

    Have a great time with the hubby!

  14. Wow. I'm very impressed by (and envious of!) your chenille stash.
    Think I need to get looking in some op shops. Love the baby quilts.


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