Friday, February 15, 2008

Snail Mail

Exciting mail has held over all the flimsies I have found in the revolutionised sewing room.

Last week I won the lucky commenter prize at Anne ida's blogiversary. I feel a little motherly because she found my blog and wanted to comment so started her own great site.

Look, a pattern, some fabric, chocs and a Norwegian thimble. Thank you so much Anne, who is visiting in Australia at the moment. Go and visit her site if you are into the Jennifer Chaiverinni books especially, she is presently quilting Sylvia's bridal sampler and it is the piece of a lifetime.

Many parts of NorthEastern Australia are having a lot of trouble with rain and flooding, that is obviously why Liz's blocks for leukeumia envelope arrived here completely soaked and fallen apart. The Post Office had put in in another envelope. Luckily Liz had placed the blocks in another plastic bag...from my overseas posting experience, I have found putting it in another plastic bag, even with the address written on the plastic can really help get it to arrive intact.

And here are her beautiful blocks, will add some from myself and my quilting group and send them off to Clare. Liz is a relatively new blogger and well worth a visit as well.

Oh, my Dh and kids had to go up the street yesterday and bought me home the flowers...that wasn't in the cleaner deal!! But I didn't complain.

I also had the first of my new cards arrive, i wont share until a few more come. My farmy ones haven't come yet and I have a few farmer weddings coming up...(one tomorrow that I had better do some maintenance for!) so I made up my own...hope you can still read the writing here, it's clearer on the real card. Oklacookiemaker would understand this sentiment, as would some of my other readers up in NSW!!

It says,

Farm wife rule#1.
All family events,-
births, deaths, marriages and graduations
must be timed to fit in with the harvest!
The scary thing is, that isn't as joke...which is why my wedding anniversary is April and my children are March and July, and even then I was told to "hold on" with my July contractions so we could get the last of the crop in before it rained!!

The photo is taken on a Case Header...or Harvester in the US.

Better go and drive to the kids bus stop, have a great day...and thanks for the comments on my messy sewing room...I sound fairly normal! Tracey


  1. great prezzies.......I am also waiting for some cards to arrive.....farming life you are always shuffling things around.....tomorrow morning I get to go and catch a few fly blown sheep.........yeh would be easy if it was here but it is 30mins away......don't you just LOVE the bus run.........

  2. Brilliant! Love the pic. In our house when I was growing up, all had to be planned around the footy season. *sigh*

  3. Love your card Tracey, and the sentiment.

  4. Wow - fantastic blocks. I'm going to have a look at the rest of her work. Thank goodness the red didn't run. Can you imagine???????

  5. Great mail! I'm hoping to get some blocks for Clare from my guild next month too, we'll see.

  6. Reminds me I must get some more blocks done for Clare!

  7. A very lovely package you've received from AnneIda . . . I was treated to that chocolate and know you will enjoy it very much *s*


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!