Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I love to clean.


that was kind of a lie...or really a statement that needs qualifying because I don't like to "clean" clean.

You know, the every day stuff you have to do because it is required and expected that your family don't live in filth. I hate that cleaning, it just seems like such a waste of useful sewing time.
But, I do it.... about 50 weeks a year.
2 weeks a year I get sick or life gets really hectic and my DH and I agree that the nice lady who lives near us and LOVES to clean could use some extra work. Well, tomorrow is Valentine's day and a house cleaner is so much more fun to me than flowers...also I lifted, carted and sold well over 250 pea straw bales last week before a nice nursery man bought the rest (thank you SOOOO much!), so I felt a little bonus could be fitted into the budget.
So, guess what, yesterday while the nice lady cleaned the house, I did fun cleaning, the cleaning I love! I sorted out my sewing room..and while it may not be perfect it is a lot better than this!
Far too much running in and running out had been occurring!
The good thing about cleaning, other than being able to focus on your work afterwards, is that you find all the stuff you have been missing ...or even forgot you had.
Here is a selection.....
A complete Nancy Halvorsten kit I got for my birthday a few years ago.
The Gingerbread House pattern I found on eBay after not being able to find anything like May Britt's Japanese houses patterns....and an order from the FQS that got sat under something big-it is mainly Spring Fling.
We also have my red and whites for when I was going to be really organized next time I made Clare more now I can make even more blocks!
My pinking shears- that were in the magazine rack! And my clear open toe applique foot that I was just about to replace.-see I could now tell my DH that getting a house cleaner was an economy because it saved money!!!
Also found my friendship blocks from Cynthia's swap. I remember I put these down to try and think about what I could do about the points not meeting...... I think I had better just sew it and not worry.
I also found my favourite pin cushion and needle case, I received it for a birthday swap a few years ago. Look how cute it wraps up......
An even happier note than all these treasures to finish on, is that now my main sewing desk looks like this-
So much easier to be creative when your work area is free of post you may get to see all the flimsies I have found!
Have a great day...and suggest you get a cleaner instead of flowers or chocs-feels much more decadent and is far less fattening!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I love love love the first picture!!!!!

  2. We seem to be living parallel lives, I need to resort my stash too. What a great lot of stuff you found! And I agree, regular cleaning is a waste of good sewing time...

  3. My sewing table looks a bit like that at the moment, but I do have an excuse *vbs*.

    I look forward to seeing the blocks that wouldn't have happened if Tracey hadn't had a clear out *vvbs*!

  4. Wow, it must have beengreat to find all that stuff! LOL

  5. I also like "organising" rather than "cleaning". Glad the cleaner worked out and you now have an organised place to sew and craft.

  6. Just think my sewing area looks alot like that and I sew in my KITCHEN due to lack of extra space. I do have to break down and clean it up every couple of days!

    I just love finding things that I had forgotten about. It's almost like having Christmas!

  7. What a difference a day makes! You found some great things, almost as good as going shopping. You deserved the reward after all that work.

  8. Your sewing room is a scream! Creativity requires you to be messy so don't apologize.

  9. Darn.... Why didn't I think of asking for a cleaner for V-Day?? What a great idea. My sewing room is screaming out for a good clean-up from me while the cleaner is hard at work with the rest of my chaos. I'd love to get someone to clean the windows I think... I just hate that job!!


  10. You sure got a lot done and found some wonderful goodies. Love that little pincushion thingie...cute, cute, cute!

  11. Oh dear, well your sewing room looks like on of the walk in wardrobes in the front room! I don't use it for clothes, it's only for craft goodies. I think nearly every inch has been taken up.

    I wonder how many things I've "lost". I might have to take a leaf out of your book.

  12. Now that's a FANTASTIC Valentine's gift . . . bonus points to your hubby for it (I'm going to put it on my future wish list *s*)

  13. Great idea!! I'm going to remember that one for the next time I'm feeling like I could spend a little extra cash. My sewing room looks like your photo #1. I'm now sewing in the dining room because sewing room is too messy. Crazy, eh??

  14. With all your "finds" it must have felt a bit like Christmas too. You should have fun enjoying your reorganized sewing room. Have fun!

  15. Holy cow! This was for real? I am shocked and applauding! A messy workspace is a sign of a creative mind at work. This actually looks like an entire quilt shop that was totally tossed during a huge sale.


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