Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photos to share
Up late last night in the sewing room working on Dad's quilt and watching Northern Exposure DVD's in peace and quiet... that started to be not so peaceful...I looked out the door and watched all this unfold over the mountains.....and this is only a tastes as the batteries were flat when it got really good.

It was terribly hot and muggy so not unexpected.

Speaking of photos, while I don't yet have any of Dad's improved (?) quilt, I did get my DH's Christmas present back from the printers today and I am so happy with it.

It's a coffee table book of all my favourite farm photos from the year.

He is terribly hard to buy for, his only real passions are farm and family so I combined a way I love as well. Should give me years of excuses for taking photos.

have a great day, Tracey


  1. What a wonderful idea for a gift! I am thinking of working on a family recipe book for next year and trying to get picutres of each dish. I keep forgetting to take the photos though.

  2. I love your book for your husband. It's truely very thoughtful.

    My dh gave one to me that was a chronology of our romance and wedding. I sobbed like a baby. Heck, it's making me tear up now, lol. I'm a softy.

    Don't forget to show us that quilt!

  3. oh My goodnes your book looks so nice what a fantastic idea
    wishing you and yours a very merry christmas
    hugs Beth
    {Ihave pics of Rachel in her new dress on my blog} { Thank you}

  4. That coffee table book is WONDERFUL! What a great idea. You need to get your photos published in a "for sale" coffee table book in 2008...should be your new mission.

  5. great lightning pics..........such a great feeling when you "catch it"......we had a storm late in the afternoon....... the book I have 4 planned out now just need to spend some time in the big town.......maybe that could happen in the holidays..........

  6. That book is wonderful!! He is going to love it!

  7. That's a great idea for a gift for your DH. I love the shots of it you've shown.

    The lightning pictures are fabulous! I love trying to get those. Do much better with DH's Nikon.

  8. I am amazed by your lightening photos. That is usually hard to catch with a camera.

    I love your book! That is such a great idea. I'm sure he will love it.

  9. That book is an inspired gift - I'm sure he'll love it - in fact come to that you should publish it - its lovely

  10. What a wonderful gift idea. He is going to love that book. And those pictures are beautiful.

  11. What a wonderful gift idea. He is going to love that book. And those pictures are beautiful.

  12. Fantastic gift idea . . . sure to become a favorite *s*

  13. Awesome gift idea!! Those storm pictures are great. The humidity is starting to build here so we will have rain tomorrow, but no displays like that.

    No flooding near you?

  14. Love the photos Tracey.Have a wonderful Christmas. Colleen

  15. Oh my gosh! What a wonderful, wonderful idea for a gift! It is so beautiful! He is going to love it!

  16. What a great gift - so unique and so you! Those storm photos are incredible. I hope you aren't getting flooded out like other parts of your country are.

  17. Love your lightning photos. I'm getting to be addicted to those photo books, too. I now have two.. one of a vacation we took last year, and one of my photo-a-day blog I used to post. They are great keepsakes, and I bet your hubby will love it. I'm plotting my next book.

  18. I love that idea of the photo album.
    I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  19. The photo book is a GREAT idea. I like what seems to be words in the background of each page. Thanks for sharing -


  20. Tracey the book is magnificent, what a treasure to keep always and what a beautiful way to preserve memories when the photos themselves may fade, the book will be like that forever.


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