Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I hear a lot of people complain that there is no service in the world anymore, no-one has compassion, no-one cares....well they obviously don't have my friends and they definitely don't have a quilting blog.

When I put out my little request for help with Dad's farm fabric, I knew people would have a think about it for me, but I didn't realise new bloggers I had barely got to know would scour quilt shops in places like Dubbo in outback NSW armed with a photo...(and only miss the fabric by an hour!!!!!) or lovely friends would check the shops in Kalgoorlie, a mining town in Western Australia or that shops would be scoured all over North America....just to name a few locations I know about.

This is really only the tip of the iceberg: fabric comes when needed-(and Amy will eventually get her surprise for the lovely cowboy prints for my boy-when I get my act together), quilt blocks come.. and go for good causes as well, birthday surprises, bag magnetic clasps, completed quilts for swaps and even lovelier, all those words of encouragement, whether over kid issues or quilty business....and the multitude of ideas your blogs add to my "to do" list!

It really makes you feel part of a wide tight knit group, a fabulous feeling-and thanks go to everyone who has helped make my year brighter and hopefully I have done my little bit for someone as well.

Here is Isabelle junior as your reward.-and she really is happy, it's just those eyes!

But onto the sewing front, here is me doing something that brings tears to my eyes and probably makes all quilters feel a little sick. Yes, using my new unpick...and not just on anything, but on an entire double bed sized quilt binding.

Not understanding why I would perpetuate such a crime, well, we will go back for a quick overview.

In Feb of 2006 I decided, with 3 or 4 days to go before my dad's 70th, that I would make him a quilt...here it is, with me and Dad. It was made entirely from stash as I got it all cut out after 7 pm one night. All the guests signed it on the back, it had family photos printed on it and that, I thought, was that.

Half way through the year I was given it back, Mum wanted it bigger, for their bed. Many bloggers gave me ideas but the overwhelming response was make him another one....and this I was going to do until the "fabric and the 6 days left until Christmas and they are calling out for their summerweight quilt back" issue.

Hence, the binding picture. I am going to add the farm pictures to the bottom and 4 or 8 more of the log cabin blocks to the sides, and it should hit the mark. The farm pics are a risk...but I like 'em, they scream my Dad to me. I also don't think I have enough of the original cabin strips to conjure up too many more even slightly co-ordinating blocks so the farm pics should cover the hole. Here is how they are going so far, they will, of course be sewn in one long strip.

This was more the original quilt plan.

And this is the photo that is my Dad, (he just doesn't look right when he is polished up and in good clothes!) so I printed it on fabric and it will go on either back of front as well.
Have a great day.....and for the many who have enquired, DD is still good, 2 weeks now! Tracey


  1. Unfortunately, sometimes ripping is just the best option. It's going to be perfect once that is done.

  2. I can't imagine adding to a quilt... I made a quilt for a BF & he wanted me to make it bigger... When we broke up, I gave it to a girl friend for payment for her doing my taxes. (She really wanted it!)

  3. I just did a post yesterday on quilters. You are so right.

  4. You've said it so well. Non-bloggers really don't understand what a community we have.

    Good luck adding to the quilt.

  5. I detest mending/altering anything be it quilty or clothing but sometimes you just gotta do it - glad to hear about DD - a wonderful Christmas present if she can sustain that - I do hope so!

  6. Junior is gorgeous. how can you bare to let her go to a new home? I'd have to keep her. inside of course. make a quilt bigger after it's already finished? I don't think so.

  7. Here in blogland you only have to mention that you need this or that you even don´t have to ask then everyone is willing to help, it is a very special place that is for sure. You will post a picture when you finish the quilt, please, to let us see how it turned out.

  8. And did anyone find the fabric? I hope so! That cat is darling!


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