Sunday, November 25, 2007


I have been loosely tagged for the latest round of memes at many sites, but it wasn't until I realised what the date is that I thought I may play along...and I am so pleased I did as trawling through the old photos unearthed some treasures.

I will play along with the 10, 20, 30 years ago meme.
Here I am 10 years ago, within a few weeks.
Exactly 10 years ago I was finalising reports for my Prep (first grade or Kinder?) class and trying to start sorting out a few years worth of collected 'stuff' in preparation for my 'retirement'.

Within a few weeks I was being a bridesmaid for the first 7 months pregnant!
Oh, you say, now I know which one she is in the photo!!
On all the other photos my bouquet neatly disguised my bundle. The bride now teaches my boy's year 1 class, small world!

So that was 10, here is 20.
20 years ago tomorrow I attended my Year 12 formal at the culmination of my final exams.
Yes, loved taking photos even then. Both friends in this photo are gone, Gary within 12 months driving home from Uni into sunglare and one of my two BFF's, Tracy, who was lost at sea 5 years ago. Here's dreaming they are both enjoying the 20 year anniversary together .
And here is 30 years ago, that is scary to think about. Who else had the 70's check and denim pinafore, with a good red skivvy underneath for good measure. Everyone says my kids look like their father, but I see a hint of me in there somewhere.

And also found this, and now I know why I keep making DD matching outfits!!
From about 32 years ago, but Ted and I are still enjoying our matching dressing gowns!

And also the page 161, line 6 meme.
I am reading at least 3 books at present so let's see what we have.
Classic stories from around the World, (Italy-Giovanni Verga)
....and lived on mouthfuls of weeds which they could snatch from the roadside as they went".
(Talking about the man's donkeys.)
One for the money, (Janet Evanovich)
...."if you are really going to do this job you are going to need someone to help you with the takedown"
The Princess, (Lori Wick)
..."she had lost her heart to this hurting child and knew that speaking to him like an adult made all the difference to the relationship."
An interesting bunch
-have a great day....sewing progress next post! Tracey


  1. Loved seeing the pictures of you!

  2. Great pics! Thanks for sharing that stroll down your memory lane.

  3. Thanks so much for playing. I sure enjoyed strolling with you. It's nice to put a face with the name....and I do think your girl favors you. :)

  4. Oh what fun pictures to share! Love them! As for the books -- I LOVE the Evanovich books -- what do you think of them?

  5. Hi Tracey,
    Loved this quick peek at your life. Thirty years ago I was a young Mom with children about the same age as yours are now!

  6. Oh those photos are fabulous! Love yours and ted's matching outfit!!

  7. Oh what a fun meme! Boy I would have to do some thinking on the 10, 20 and 30!!!!


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