Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Latte anyone?

I am constantly reminded of how different my life is compared to if I were a "city" girl. My sister only lives an hour away in distance but a world away in lifestyle. Her life is full of playdates and coffee latte laden playcentres, her only animal responsibility is an overindulged cat. She loves that and I love this...mostly!

How would she like this in her latte?

No, not custard....it is colostrum, the first milk from a cow. They are doing fabulous things with this superfood for humans,- for the face, for good internal health....but it does it's very best work in providing a new born calf with everything it needs for a good start.

So why is it on my kitchen table, am I really that desperate for a coffee, and have no local shop?

...that I had to do this? (Very tricky left handed so you can take a photo as well!)

No, unfortunately that isn't the problem.

I am in charge and the cow is not "right" after calving. I am watching her, and while she was down, I milked her in case of the worst case scenario.

I must have had cold hands as she did get up after this, long enough for her little man to have a drink.

Not quite the best photo, but I love that tongue!

After I had checked on them again late last night I must have had one coffee too many as I wasn't ready for bed. I had put Roman Holiday on the TV and decided at 11 pm that if you love a fabric so much,like I do the Roman Holiday range, then you should just sew it together rather than look at it...so I did. (And i have lots more!

I wont tell you what time I went to bed, but here is my Roman Holiday Table runner...with Isabelle's new kittens as quilt weights!!

I used my charm packs and just sewed.

And then I wanted to have some HST's, so this is a table centre, or may be a cushion as this red matches my couch perfectly. More quilt weights!

And, yes, cat lovers, DD's cat had early kittens, was pregnant before we had time to get her surgery done. She will get to be a mother once in her life, i think it has improved her needy, whiny nature, we'll see if it lasts. If you are good you may get a close up in the future!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. LOVE the table runner and the cushion (I'm thinking cushion as well -- it's Christmasy without being too Christmasy and can work year round!). As for the other -- not gonna go there :0).

  2. hehe the joy of farm life been there done that .loved it while it lasted
    love the runner and little top
    hugs Beth

  3. Wow Christmassy.
    Aw! Cute, lots of babies too. I'm with you by the way, a 'simple' country life will do me.

  4. I learn so much from you blog. I never thought about cows having colostrum before! Love the table runner and the table topper,

  5. Yes yes yes!! We definitely need kitty pics. Up close kitty pics so we can ooooh and ahhhhh. What a precious picture that is of the little calf going in for a drink. Gave me big smiles before going to bed.

  6. Oh, those kittens are so cute...

    All Mammals benefit from teh colostrum, but that doesn't make it look any better...

  7. You have such an interesting life Tracey. Love your stories. Don't know how you find time to sew -lol ! And yes please to the kitty pics - they are too sweet.

  8. Love the little quiltlets held down by kitties. =) Your farm is an interesting place, but I'll pass on the latte. =)

  9. I am a farm girl, always have been, even though now it's only in my heart...the city is nice to visit but it's just not for me. Thank you so much for the baby pictures. Calves are so sweet, as are kittens. Great news that mom and baby bonded, too. Less work to keep baby going. My mother in-law used to make a Finnish pancake with freshened milk...not the thick yellow part, but the thinner, milkier quality that comes later. Yum.

    Your midnight sewing rampage was certainly productive! Nice. Sweet as that calf. :)

  10. So what will you do with the colostrum in the bowl? Will you put it in a bottle for the calf, or do a face mask? :) :)

    Hope the momma is doing better today. Cute kittens!

  11. You made very good use of the charm pack. The table runner and the cushion cover are both lovely, just right for Christmas in Summer (a very strange idea for us up north!). Take care.

  12. You and Tazzie are killing me with the kitten pics. so daring, can't believe you got them to stay still for the photo session. glad you used your favorite fabrics. better than sitting on a shelf! Roman Holiday - fab movie!

  13. Hope both mother and child are doing well now! ...and sorry, I wouldn't like that in MY coffee *lol*

    I love Moda's Roman Holiday line, and your table runner and table centre/cushion looks great! Well done!

  14. Oh the kittens are so adorable! I hope the mommy cow is going to be ok!

  15. the kitty's are so cute.


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