Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yes, it was finished in time, here is the little owner proudly displaying it!
The way he is going he will get another for Christmas and another next year, I have been cuddled, hugged, thanked and thanked again by him. He even ran across the Churchyard 2 days after to jump in my arms and say "thank you for my beautiful blanket,"- unprompted as well!
Wouldn't it be nice if all recipients were as appreciative of the time and effort a quilt takes. I gave a special one to a close relative when I was still in the learning process, it took me ages but it had all materials of significance, even a soppy label-Christmas day came and she didn't even unroll it! Pulled it half way out of the wrapping, said, "thanks, that looks nice" and pushed it back in! She only looked at the back! I went outside and cried, Dh asked what I expected, I said I at least expected her to look at it!!!!
Of course by the time a few family members worded her up when we had gone onto the next family she was full of praise the next day, I'm afraid I was rather of the feeling, too little, too late ...and after prompting! Another friend of mine sewed for ages for a special quilt for her FIL's 60th, then took it home after the party to finish the hand quilting. They went back 6 months later and she said she almost had it finished. They told her they didn't know what she was talking about and couldn't remember the present from the party!!! Needless to say that isn't going back!!
Everyone slowly resuming normal health here, both kids actually went to School the last 2 days. They have to go tomorrow because Robyn and I are off for treat day in Port Fairy before School holidays start on Friday. Hoping to have the house clean early today and to get in some sewing, not many chances in the last few days, have a great day, Tracey


Patti said...

What a little sweetie! The quilt looks grand - perfect for a little guy like him.

mereth said...

I'm so glad he loved it, makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it? I love the name at the top and the red touches, just perfect.
Enjoy your day away, and I hope that everyone stays healthy for you.

Anonymous said...

Kids are the best gift receivers, they really let you know how much they love what's been given. Shame about the other family member. Hope you enjoy your day away and perhaps a little sewing.

Tonya Ricucci said...

The quilt looks marvelous and what a happy face on the recipient. That's fabulous that he really appreciated the quilt and your work on it. woohoo!

atet said...

What a sweetheart -- and yep, he gets more quilts! It's required!!!

Lily Mulholland said...

So happy for you! Nothing like your hard work being well appreciated!

loulee said...

That little man looks delighted with his quilt.
I'm glad your kids are on the mend too, enjoy your break.

Andrea said...

He is gorgeous and how wonderful that he loved his quilt !! Bet you really want to make him another now ! Enjoy your time away and hope everyone manages to stay well.

Jenni said...

Little treasure. A bit of gratitude goes a long way, and manners from those who know better, as well.

Unknown said...

What a happy little chappie and I love that 'transport' fabric in the middle of the blocks

Elaine Adair said...

Oh, just look at him beam! How rewarding to give a quilt and have it LOVED! I've sent some to family members, and the ones I'm REALLY glad of giving, are those that come back with photos of the kiddos playing, sleeping, cuddling with those quilts.

This is one really neat quilt, by the way! Putting his name on it, and in BIG letters was even better.

So sorry about those quilts given and not appreciated. Sometimes I want to tell recipients the cost involved, and time, so they know it WAS a dear gift, but I guess that's not quite right either. (I'm told the gift is in the giving, not the getting ... ya believe that?)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on a beautiful quilt. You and your little chap can be proud of it!
I don´t offer big quilts anymore after some experiences like yours. Just minis and wall-hangings.
About the siggy blocks: I had some problems with the points as well but I overlooked them! And now they don´t bother me anymore. Take care.

Fiona said...

He looks so pleased with his quilt - I think kids are often more appreciative than adults and they USE them day after day - what more could a quilter want?

Chookyblue...... said...

wow that is great he loves it so much........I have been busy and so have you by the sounds of it......have fun away with your friend........I have missed you lately.........

Kairle Oaks said...

That kind of reception just makes your heart leap! I'm sure he'll treasure it forever!!!

Susie said...

The smile on his little face had to be worth every bit of effort you put into his beautiful quilt.
It's hard for me to imagine the reaction of some of the people you described who didn't appreciate a wonderful handemade quilt..
Glad both children are feeling better.
You too?

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh the look of Joshua and his new "blanket" is soooo sweet!

Shelina said...

That is a gorgeous quilt - of course he would be appreciative. It even has his name on it!
I cmpletely understand about appreciation though. After hours of toiling, I do expect to have someone look at it and really give it more attention than something I picked up off a shelf in a store. Maybe they are too shy to say how moved they are.
I too have thought of having a little label that tells how much the material cost and how much time went into making it, so they know how excited they are supposed to be!

Kim said...

Wow, would you LOOK at the smile on that kid?! You can just tell from looking at him that he's completely delighted! Yes, I agree it would be nice if every quilt recipient appreciated quilts every bit as much! Have a fun excursion! Glad to hear you're all feeling better.

sewprimitive karen said...

What a precious boy!!

sewprimitive karen said...

What a precious boy!!

Unknown said...

I love Joshua's quilt! Your description of his reaction and gratefulness is beyond fantastic. His picture captures so much.