Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In a blue funk today, letting the worries of the world suck out the creative juices...or is it just not enough time in the sewing room makes me grumpy, add in that I need a walk and perhaps we will put it down to that.

I should remember to take my "30 plus" tablets more regularly, they have been great for the hormones and seem to be a good general "stabilizer"!! Sad when you haven't got time to take a tablet that actually makes you feel better!!

My sister is due here in a minute, staying the night as well, she and her babies should pull me out of the funk. bet Dh goes to bed early tonight, not because he doesn't like my siter, he loves her, he's watched her grow up from her teens and takes a very paternal interest in her well being. No, he is guaranteed to go to bed because we generally play board games when the kids are in bed and he can't cope with the competitive streak!! He has seen Pictionary games that would seemingly be being played for a million dollar purse, Scattergories games where people are being phoned at midnight to collaborate and answer and we wont even start on scrabble. At some point he sneaks away shaking his head.

He would never have coped in our house, when you throw in the other game loving brother, School holiday Monoploy games used to go over several days and often didn't allow participants to get out of their pj's!! so really our mild little games are quite sedate!

It is funny because we all really like each other, but when the games kick in, so does the competitiveness and the feeling that you are back at Mum and Dad's, then we all just resort to that persona. Anyone else have similar experiences with their family?
Post script a few hours later, this is me, just up at the computer because I have to Google to prove some words I beat my sister with at Scrambler...some things never change!!!
And finally, my scales!!


Lily Mulholland said...

Oh yes! My family is just like that! Actually, I'm banned from playing Trivial Pursuit from my family as I take it far too seriously :)

Doodlebug Gail said...

My DH is like that with games - extremely competitive, I refuse to play with him ... LOL .... he is way too competitive for me. Scrabble and Monopoly are now reserved to play with his Mother only.

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on the games but I do love your two photo's you've used today. The first one had me giggling out loud and the last well, it reminds me of my Enjoy your time with your sister.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I love the men at work sign! Tooo funny! Emily and I and my family love board games too - but Mark won't be caught dead playing one!

Laurie Ann said...

What's your 30 plus tablets. Are they vitamins? I think I need some!!

We played a fun game at Xmas that really brought out the competitive streak in a couple that I thought were otherwise pretty boring. I now have a new appreciation for them! :)

Sweet P said...

There is a big age difference between my older brothers and me. I never had those kind of experiences with them. I'm jealous, though. I've always a sister. Can I come and play?

atet said...


Get thyself to your sewing room -- take out random fabric and play. Sounds like you need some fabric therapy!!!! (yep, my cure for most woes, but hey, it works for me)

Susie said...

We love board games too, but only a few in our family are super competitive. Sorry you missed your date night..Those times as a couple are so important..

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Tracey, love the scales cartoon....sometimes wish mine would hide. We actually have a timer for our scrabble family keep time down...and one official 5 inch thich dictionary!!!! I found it at a yard sale...and just knew it had to come home to stop the "madness" of family scrabble challenges!!!!Colleen

Shelina said...

My family is like that too - very competitive. My brother in law shakes his head when we don't cheat to let the little kids win. They are going to have to win on their own, with us fighting all the way!
I hope you reschedule your date night.

Mar said...

So sorry you're blue, but that sign just cracked me up, thank you so much for the smile at the end of a hard day :-) I love games too. Cribbage anyone?

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I totall get where you're coming from!!! We played a game of spades once that almost came to blows!! hahahaha
I'm sorry you've been having the blues lately. It must be something in the air cause it's been that way over here too. I gotta start taking my vitamins!!! I'm sending out a package to you next week so hopefully that will make you smile!!!

Ruth's Place said...

My MIL is like that, she loves to play scrabble, but whenever we play and my husband starts to win (as he invariably does - I've beaten him twice in 10 years of marriage) she gets really cranky.

We get competitive over Taboo - which we only discovered recently.