Monday, August 13, 2007

Yes, the sign says it all!
This greeted me when I came home late yesterday afternoon from retreat. (Good to see that she has inherited her mother's love for exclamation marks!)
I had a number of updates during the weekend that she was feeling much better so that made the sewing even more enjoyable.
I did get the retreat gifts finished, Roman Holiday bags full of Roman Holiday fabric strips.

The weather was very ordinary until Sunday which only made it more fun to be holed away sewing madly. I worked until after midnight each night, and still managed to catch this Sunday sunrise from my tower room! Much easier to get out of bed when you only have to stagger a few metres to your machine and start piecing rather than houseworking!

I have loads of photos of everyone's progress over the weekend, but I thought I would make my fellow retreaters happy and post the round of friendship reveals today, next post will be the other girl's work and I'll have a turn after that.

There was a bit of wind happening for the photos but who could resist a setting with the sea in the background.

The first is Kerrin's. She still can't get over the fact that she started with a pink floral cente block and ended up with this in maroons and blacks. We all took a lot of creative licence.

Next we have Helen's, loved the Thimbleberries in the last round flying geese.
Next is mine, I went well outside my usual colours for this, just for a change and I really like it.
Now we have Robyn's. She worked out with a round to go that she put the wrong centre in, she had wanted more contrast. I owe it applique (hence the little note) as nothing came to mind at the time and I was organising the school market.
Now we have Sue's, even though she has shifted away she still wanted to be involved.
Here is Christine's, she used a square she had had for years, I battled to find stash for that flying geese border on the day before retreat.
Unfortunately I don't have Kath's, she had to go home early after hearing she had lost her brother in NZ. Hugs to Kath.
School has just rung and DD needs picking up! Back with more tomorrow, Tracey


  1. the friendship quilt look great and love the sunset......looking forward to more pics......DD did miss you then.........

  2. Lovely photos - what a great time you all had ...... can't wait to see the rest of your pics. Glad to see that those at home really missed you.

  3. Fantastic Tracey. Looks like your retreat was very productive.
    I really like your quilt. The colors are lovely.

  4. What fun! And what a stunning location :)

    I love exclamation marks too!!

  5. Thanks for sharing the photos---I love seening the different variations of a basic idea.

  6. Love the RR quilts. It is amazing how one block at start can give unexpected result.

  7. I love your wall hanging. The colors are right up my alley and wonderful! What a most beautiful place to get away to sew at!

  8. What a great place to take some photos. The quilts are wonderful too. Everyone looks very happy with their tops.

  9. Oh the quilts are all so cool! I love how they turned out! Yours is wonderful, although I love the colors on Sue's (I think it was Sue's).

    Boy would I love to sew on a beach like that!

  10. Forgot to say I LOVE your roman holiday bags - way too cute!

  11. I love the retreat bags you made. That's a super line of fabric - holiday without overdoing it. The friendship quilts were great to see - thanks for sharing them. I've enjoyed all the pics of your retreat.


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