Thursday, August 09, 2007

Birthday round up.... and a huge case of Mother guilt!

A fair bit of chaos around here, (hey, don't say, "As usual!!) I only have today to get all my little retreat packs/gifts done for 9 people, I have not quite finished my last rounds of frienship border and the reveal is on the retreat. DD is on the couch with what now looks like the 'flu, DH is not recovering as quickly as I would like from his chesty type flu. I want to make soup and slice for the retreat, I haven't cut up my shirts, the phone keeps ringing and I have the housework to do as well!!! On top of all this I think I may have a slight touch of something myself ....but I don't have the time or inclination to succumb!
I could, of course, say I wont go, but I need a change of scene, I get to blow out my candles on Friday night and this is my favourite weekend, also, it will do DH good to rest in front of the TV with the kids on the weekend AND I'm sure that once I actually get out of the house, the motherguilt will disappear. (well, I hope!) I am well aware he can cope with any eventuality, he is just not looking enthusiastic-we'll blame the flu!

Here's the bouquet of Australian natives the family bought up for my birthday, they would make anyone feel better!
Thought you may like to see some of my lovely presents. My friend Lyn made me the lovely covered journal, and gave me some of her cute bias and ric rac she found on ebay.
Quilting Bebbs sent me the pincushion-thank you so much! It even arrived the day before, I was very impressed!
Family came good with a massage voucher and a plate of soaps and lotions. DH said the kids were gorgeous, they spent 3/4 of an hour examining everything in the shop, then they had to get little individual things and the plateful, all the time dancing around and hugging each other in excitement. You see that knowledge is all I require...that there was effort!!!
My sister found me the great print of Audrey, and the naughty little rooster sign and hook. DH is not sure what to make of that! He did say that all we needed were more chook things!!!
There were also about 3 boxes of chocolates...they are gone! And really, I shared some!
A close up of some of the scrap bags from Mum. I rang her to tell her they were in the sale a few weeks ago, so she was waiting when they opened the doors after Church. There are some great pieces, not really scraps at all!

Got this huge bag of wool tops for felting at the sheep show, I am thinking about a big blanket with hot pink through it-maybe when the weather warms up, it's a little cold for throwing around water at present. The check material is from the op shop-50 cents! It is going in with the shirts this weekend. I need a 2 week retreat to get all I want done!

I bought this gorgeous velvet kangaroo paw at the sheep show as well, another Australian native. If you go back to last weeks' kangaroo post you will see why it is called a kangaroo paw.

And, last but not least, the cat and the dog enjoying their strange relationship. I am trying to get a pic of how the cat softens him up with her claws but they stop as soon as I appear.
Well, duty now REALLY calls! Back Sunday, should have 7 round robins to post and 9 people's work from the weekend, have a good one, Tracey


  1. Happy birthday and have a great weekend. Look forward to seeing and hearing all about it.

  2. Sounds like you've had a wonderful birthday celebration already Tracey. Hope you have an absolute blast at the retreat.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time at the retreat. Everything will get done by the last minute! Happy birthday, looks like you have some fabulous birthday treats there! The native flowers are gorgeous. I've never seen that kangaroo paw until you showed it. Thanks!

  4. I'm sorry to hear that the flu is in your home ..... have a wonderful time at the retreat and I can't wait to hear all about what you accomplish.

    Your birthday celebration sounds wonderful.

  5. Happy birthday! Enjoy your weekend - it sounds like a great time *s*

  6. Your gifts are all wonderful!! Happy Birthday! And have a wonderful time on you weekend!

  7. Happy Birthday!

    You have GOT to post more pictures of the cat laying on the dog. That is just too too cute! I've seen cats on goats and horses and laying NEXT to dogs, but ....

  8. So glad it arrived safely across all those miles :o) Glad you had a lovely day

  9. Enjoy the retreat Tracey - hopefully as much as you've enjoyed your birthday WEEK! Love the native flowers - gorgeous!

  10. Oh Happy Birthday! I"ve finally got a chance to catch up with your blog after all my summer activities and vacation!

  11. Have a wonderful time at your retreat. Sending well wishes that the flu leaves your household quickly!
    Looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration.

  12. Happy Birthday ! Lovely presents and what fabulous scrap bags !


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