Monday, July 23, 2007

Family, and all that entails

My machine is dropped off for a long overdue check-up, should be returned fairly quickly unless there is a parts requirement. I borrowed my sister's as I felt like my arm had been cut off without a chance to sew. My sister's belonged to me once, about 6 years ago, I started to go mad on the patchwork and wanted a machine with a few more stitches (mainly a good button hole applique) so Mum bought mine for my sister as an extra wedding gift and I traded up. My sister had domestic, pre-wedding dreams of sewing but I think the thread I sold it with is still threaded up! Her children are well stocked with blankets and quilts from me so she hasn't needed to start.

The DN's birthday party was good, very busy-my kids were exhausted, a crotchetty son only wanted to hear John Denver's "grandma's feather bed" all the way home, boy, was I upset when he fell asleep!

It was just the light I like on the local mountain yesterday afternoon so I took a few snaps, still sorting them but here are a few I like, Grampians mountain range in the background. DS, is, as usual, an un-cooperative model!

I have a huge luxury today, DH has gone away for the day so no-one is going to drop in for a coffee and say, "are you on that computer again??"There are also no terribly pressing places I need to be, so I think I may check every link before I do some housework, have a walk and try out my old machine.

I found some great wallpaper borders, they are from "York" and had to be ordered in from the US. This is the houses one, the other one is for the studio, it is log cabin and star patchwork blocks. DH mustn't mind this one as he hasn't mentioned it being above our bedroom window, I wasn't game to test him with the patchwork blocks...or maybe a chook border!
OOps, on closer inspection those photos could be clearer, that's what I get for taking them in a hurry in the near dark!
Had a bit of success with my one of my middle big nephews' birthday presents yesterday. (Sorry, I group them, there are BIG nephews, who are my age down to 30, then there are about 5 middle big nephews who are 16 through to 18 then there are a mix of nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews from 0-9, it all gets very confusing when the generations are out of kilter.)
My middle nephews are all pretty cool, teasing me is one of their favoured pastimes, the first recently turned 18 and even though phone credit(!) was suggested to me as an appropriate present, I rebelled. I think it deserves something a little more special, hence the toolkit.
Now, DN is not in any way domestic,or handy....yet. But I thought there may come a day when this will be useful.
To eliminate the problem of him not being handy or thinking of anything other than, the playstation, music and his cell phone...yet, I decided to pack it with a few other things a boy about to enter the world may need-
Yes, that's right, large range of tools, but also soap, pencils,toothbrush and dental floss, 2 panadol, a shaver, shampoo sachet, cotton buds and balls, band-aids, a SEWING Kit!!and you, are correct, a tin of spaghetti and pack of 2 minute noodles in a bag marked emergency non-perishables. There is also $5 tightly wrapped in plastic and wrapped over and over with sticky tape, I labelled that "in an emergancy, break seal!" If you are getting the idea that this boy may be in need of a good woman when he leaves home, you would be correct.
Anyway, with trepidation I presented it, in front of the other cool nephews and it was a hit...a huge smashing hit actually-and I know because these boys would not bother pretending to me, and their mother wasn't there to ensure manners anyway.
He was still wowing and shaking his head as I left, so perhaps there is an idea that the wider world may like to share. That age are so hard for non-parents to buy for as electric equipment seems to be the centre of the universe.
Anyway, off to surf the net...after fresh coffee! Cheers, tracey


  1. Enjoy your day to yourself.
    i love the borders and the present was great. We have done similar and it's always a hit.

  2. Well congratulations on such a thoughtful gift Tracey! Glad it was such a hit. And those photos 'in front of' the Grampians are spectacular.

  3. That tool kit gift is a wonderful idea! I will have to remember that as my friends' kids start getting older. It would be a great going off to college gift as well.

    Those photos are spectacular!

  4. Hello, what's wrong with Grandma's Feather Bed?
    The photos are beautiful and the toolbox a great idea. I had three sons and made sure that they knew how to cook and sew and look after themselves, even if they still chose to eat 2 min. noodles and spaghetti.
    Have fun browsing and drinking coffee, a great way to relax and enjoy yourself.

  5. My sister gave me something like that when I got my first apartment! Being a John Denver fan I would be quite happy on that road trip!!

  6. Ooooooh absolutely fabulous wallpaper borders, I love it!!!! And I know where that mountain is, been there done that got the t-shirt (wink). Great pics. I must get up there at that time of day, you can see the Grampians perfectly.

  7. The tool kit is a great idea. Maybe when the next grandchild moves the middle photo of your daughter, the lake behind her looks like a halo at first glance. Very cute.

  8. The tool kit is a great idea. Hope you had a great day to yourself.
    Love the Grampians pictures.

  9. Hope you had a wonderful day in the quietness of your home. I love quiet days in the Fall once the kids are back in school ...

    The tool kit idea is great - glad it was such a hit. I'll have to remember that for future gifts.

    Lovely photos - you're enjoying your new camera aren't you?

  10. what a clever gift idea! My son is moving out next month...I may have to consider something similar!

    Enjoy your sewwing time. It never quite pans out like we hope, does it?

  11. A day to do what you want! Yay!

    I thought the boy-gift was a wonderful and thoughtful one. He can be prepared for almost any emergency! Good thinking, auntie.

    I love the mountain photos. Even if your son wasn't cooperating, you got a great picture of him.

  12. Catchup time for me Tracey! Loved those borders and what a delightful gift for a young man. You put so much thought into it and those are the best kind!


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