Sunday, June 24, 2007

The old and the new
Tractors are a huge part of our lives here. There are a range for different jobs.

When DS was recently doing a project on his late grandfather I had to scan some old photos for him, here is his grandfather digging out our yabby dam back in the 1940's. There is a bucket scoop on a chain dragging out the dirt. Imagine how long that took! When we recently had that dam cleaned out by an excavator during the dry, he dug it twice as deep in around 2 hours!

Screen door recently posted about old machines used as displays and I commented that I could gladly send her some from here but the postage could be a little exorbitant!Here's a little sample of what we could mail, (with the quilt that needs another 6 inches each side for a finish-and wouldn't be in the mailout!)

And another view...

All of these machines are piled here waiting to be picked up as part of a metal fundraising activity for the local football club. Nothing he's had longer than about 15 years is allowed around here (in regards machinery-hopefully not wives.) So there is no chance of being allowed to put this in my roundabout as a display!

I hate to think about the older singer sewing machines and other treasures that were buried in a big hole before my time!
And now to the new purchase, we have gone to the red brand from the green one due to a very favourable deal. This tractor has to be able to pull the air seeder whereas the smaller ones do the front end loader work. 245 horse power, quiite a change from the earlier one his dad would have used. I wonder what he would say!

Ds was very excited when he got home from School to the new toy.

The men needed to stand around and look at engines. Utes seemed to arrive from everywhere!
I made sure I made some educated sounding noises but really was more interested in the fact that this was a much better colour for making matching quilts! The JD green is shocking! Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Ooooh now they are BIG wheels. Very impressive tractor.

  2. Yes, the JD green is awful -- but you don't say that too loudly in these parts. We are less than 100 miles from the birthplace of JD. We also revere caterpillars around here ;0).

    What is it about men and their toys?

  3. What is it about men and tractors? My uncle, who does not live on a farm and has no land whatsoever, bought himself an old one, just because he couldn't resist it. The quilt looks good on the old machinery.

  4. Men and machines! Lol. They are the same the world over.

  5. Hee, hee - we women always go for the color when it comes to vehicles, etc. don't we? That's the artist in us on display!

  6. Oh wow - what big wheels! I'm sure the men in your family and surrounding area had a ball looking at such a fine piece of equipment.

    And that quilt is ever so pretty.

  7. You've been busy with your blogging and other activities.

    Love those tractors - I am remembering (dinosaur here) an old F-20, complete with steel lugs, an International "C" and a "B" that I drove. I was such a farm girl that when I was 16, and the other girls were getting cars, I got a manure spreader and I was HAPPY! LOL.

  8. Had to bring my husband in to see these. He loves old tractors, and he's not a farmer at all!


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