Friday, June 22, 2007

Day off
The day off yesterday was great, we found fabulous accommodation here for our August quilting retreat, we had lunch at a beautiful restaurant/gallery overlooking a huge rough sea (remember it is Winter here-and v.cold!)

and then managed to fit in a facial for me and massage for Robyn before a quick shop at the LQS opposite-a very restoring day. So cold with the winds coming staight off the sea, definitely straight from Antarctica! We didn't do a lot of messing around outside the car when we were checking out the alternatives! So you are not over burdened with photos, I will make sure I take more in August-promise!

Saturday Quilters tomorrow, we are putting together out Bingo boards into a quilt. The square in a square is my idea for bringing them all together, hopefully tomorrow we will get it to the flimsy stage. Then we will decide on a good cause, I think we may be building homes in Asia through one of the Churches.

Our Friday night quilters have this quilt on the go as well, (I have just realised it should be the other way as the basket of flowers are looking decidedly odd!) I just need to add another row of that blue around the edge to the flying geese and I think we will then call it quits, someone will appreciate and /or make money from it in our community.

Found this doll picture today when I was organizing. This is a mermaid I made up for DD's birthday last year, she has feather wool as hair and sequined fabric for her tail; Anne Cordelia , the redhead, was made for DD's little red headed friend. She has fabulous bumpy wool as hair. I keep meaning to make Anne Cordelia for myself but there is always a list of other priorities. Who is going to be the first to locate the origin of hername I wonder?
Have a great weekend... or Friday, whatever comes to you first! Tracey


  1. Okay, my guess is that Anne Cordelia is from Anne of Green Gables. Has to be with that red hair! LOL! What a wonderful view from the restaurant, and I can't imagine much better than being pampered and then going to a quilt shop. Lovely day you had, and I'm envious!

  2. The accommodation (on the link) looks wonderful - what a terrific place to stay for a break of any sort - even in the winter - being able to watch the sea from those big windows would be just awesome! Love the dolls

  3. Your accommodation for August looks wonderful - ocean views will make for a good weekend. The photo of the restaurant overlooking the sea has me all homesick. So glad you had a good day.

  4. What a great weekend. Love the quilt projects!!have fun.

  5. I love the picture of the place you had lunch. Makes me wish I belonged to your group and lived down under. =) I love both your quilt tops-in-progress. The yellow one looks so spring-like, and the other one looks so easy!

  6. Perfect spot for lunch by the sea. The view is spectacular!!

  7. My first thought was Anne of Green Gables as well. :) Glad you're having such a great time!!! The blue basket quilt is just heavenly!
    Have fun,


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