Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Where did this girl think she would be today?

(Apologies for the line, the scanner wouldn't cooperate!)
-I wonder where she thought she would end up?
I have a few clues, and not just because she was once me. Her Year 12 magazine lists her ambition a "to marry a farmer and have ten kids!" High aims indeed, and as my bridesmaid read this out in her wedding speech I am still teased about being 8 kids short! If that had happened, I know where I would be now...somewhere way around that bend!

I don't ever remember her thinking that she would live a life of lattes in Italy but I am not sure she thought her coffees would be drunk as this mornings was.

I love watching S*x in the city, Friends and a lot of other shows where there life is very different to mine, just as I am drawn to blogs where the people may think like me but their lives are diverse. This morning I dropped the kids at the School bus and then proceeded to walk around the ewes with my instant coffee in it's insulated mug and my plastic disposable gloves for "birthing babies" and I enjoyed the trip. I took the photos you have been asking for, in lieu of quilting which will be back (with a vengeance) next week.

The lambing photos do not get much newer than this.

Wrong end darling!

I would appreciate that clean now, thanks!
On my way back to the house I saw mushrooms and green grass trying to pop out of the ground, 10 days after the rain and, as usual, I am in awe of nature.

No Italian coffee could taste as sweet as mine this morning.


  1. Couldn't be any better than to have *most* of your dreams come true (and the ones that don't . . . saved your sanity *s*)

  2. Oh my gosh how sweet is that lamb. I've never seen a lamb being born, it must be awesome. Dreams can constantly change as we grow and evolve and mature and learn. But 10 kids? woah. LOL

  3. Oh wow -- what a wonderful way to start the day. New life all over, and dreams that did come true (with the exception of the one that would have had you committed). Is there anything better?

  4. Who needs latte in Italy anyway. I'm with you. Give me good old life in Oz with the kids and my wonderful husband any day.

  5. Boy have I seen that before ........but yes I still enjoy seeing it and it is great to see someone elses perspective on shots etc. Our don't start lambing until the start of next month. Yippee! Just don't want any poddies......... more work for me........

  6. 10 kids - OMG I'd be around the bend along with you - LOL. What a way to start the day .... with everything peaceful and brand new life as well.

  7. although the city seems exciting, your life, so close to nature, is appealing to me. What a great way to start the day with lambs. that's a traffic jam i've never experienced! *s*

  8. You have a wonderful life my dear! I love the photo of the little lamb!

  9. Seeing the baby lamb is so neat. You have a very interesting life over there my friend!!!

  10. Great pictures of the lambs. Isn't it funny where life takes us. I think as long as you have people who care about you it doesn't matter where you live. I certainly never expected to live in Africa.

  11. Look at that lamb!!

    You sound pretty happy to me. Good on you Tracey :)

  12. Cup of coffee and being home. Sounds like a dream. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  13. 10 kids? Are you sure that is what you said? Rather you than me.

  14. I love the lamb pics! And pics in general of where you are as it is so different from where I am. I love the diversity.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us!


  15. Oh look at the chooks and lambs! And the kids are having such fun!

  16. Tracy,
    Thanks for sharing the photo of the newborn lamb. That's something I never get a chance to see. Your life is very different from mine, but it sounds very rich and fulfilling!

  17. Oh, thank you so much for the picture of the lamb! I'm sure baby animals must be one of the best things about living on a farm. If I close my eyes I can just barely hear the baby bleating to it's mother. Boy or girl? Or do you know this early?


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