Monday, May 14, 2007

"....still I think I'm a lucky gal, I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night.".....
Excuse the singing this morning but Annie get your gun expresses it so beautifully.
After a week of running like a crazy woman and neglecting to blog, (even though I have dropped a few comments around) I am now back and enjoying a low profile morning of checking sheep and catching up on a glorious autumn day.
The market is over for better or wosre and we will have cleared around $4500 after expenses. I think I am happy with that and I have made copious notes on improving it for next year so i am not put off. I will have recovered for next year! It's easy to just do raffles but it is great to have a social event when you all work as a team. The day was perfect and we got a huge crowd, here's some pics~
My show bags being packed to head to town
The Mother's day craft. The MUM's are cut out and scrapbooked, looked great, I bought one.
Our flower expert made up 120 bouquets like these with a few helpers on Friday, made over $1000.
And here is this week's "work" for me. As soon as I have posted and finished the house I am off to the studio where a good few hours work is required to turn everything to rights. Then there are a few little gifts to finalize and post, a block to finish for quilters and i am " all go on the UFO's" I would like to see this couch filled with completed (or perhaps basted) items by next Monday morning. I will be posting daily progress to keep me on track. I haven't given you a close look at all these projects today as you can now wait for the finish!
Hope everyone had/are having a great Mother's day, mine was lovely and restful! DH took the kids shopping last week for presents and earnt huge brownie points! Then the precious home made ones were icing on the cake!
I have a post to do on colic for Dawn but I will post that separate for search engines.
Got to go, UFO's to complete!


  1. The market looks great - it's a lot of work but very worthwhile.

  2. What a busy week! The market looks fantastic and I can't wait to see those finished UFO's -- hopefully I will be joining you in a renewed sewing frenzy this next week! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Congratulations! I love the look of the green floral quilt. Cant wait for a real look.
    Your show bags look gorgeous too.

  4. Take a bit to rest up from all your hard work - looks like a great time and sounds like a roaring success.

  5. Oh wow - that all looks wonderful. Hard work but I know you're happy with the results.

  6. $4500 sounds very successful - well done!!!!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!