Thursday, May 03, 2007

Recovering from craft day.
The sewing day was a great success, when I get that magical thing called time I will take photos of the day's achievements. Yummy soup, yoyo biscuits, cake and Kim's apple cake really topped it off. I always appreciate good ideas for fetes and markets so you may appreciate some of ours as well.

Dear, dear DH has taken the kids off to footy training tonight, it is pouring rain here, we have now had close to 2 1/2 inches in the week and he has called a temporary halt to working the ground as it is sticky. It has been a while since that happened ! But great that I have scored a minute to blog.

I mentioned that DD has gone crazy on Elvis on Tonya's blog and she sent me a great link to equilter where they carry everything and Elvis included. Purchased a few things there, it will be interesting to see if they are as efficient as the Fat Quarter shop, who normally have things here within the week.

I will be sure to share Elvis when he comes. I actually cleaned to Elvis today, Mum gave the kids some old LP's and when I put them on it was just like I was 10yo on a Saturday afternoon again! I have Elvis on Cd but the order isn't "right" and they don't have the familiar crackle and you can all tell me I am odd but some things need to stay the same!

I was asked about the Amish style cushion in my new table post. Here is a better picture. It is evidence that I actually have hand-quilted. This is one of 2 times, the other time I was in bed with the 'flu and bored (which is actually the quilt behind it). My DS grabbed this as soon as I made it, but as his room is now overflowing with home made stuff (and his stuff) I stole it back. Hmmm, now I look closely it is slightly out of focus and you can't see all my little quilted patterns but calves and tea beckon so it will have to do. Cheers, Tracey
Oh, I was a little proud of a saying I came up with on Nadine's blog about a quilter's retirement home (worth a read!)so I thought I would share, I don't think I have stolen it but you had better tell me if I didn't make it up-it's possible!!
"Old quilters never die, they just feel increasingly sew and sew!" (I am presuming that Australia is not the only country where people feel a bit 'so and so' on occasion.)
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. The amish cushion is soo pretty, Tracey! But you're right, I can't really make out the hand quilting - please post a close up? And while you're at it will you please post a pic of the quilt behind it as well? I would love to see more of it!

    Love your saying! It fits very well with the retirement scetch Nadine made up!

    Looking forward to seeing more from your craft day! Take care!

  2. Oh that cushion is gorgeous, love the colours (cant see the hand quilting though...but im sure its beautiful) that quilt behind it as feeling sew and sew right now.....think im just tired lol

  3. That's a really pretty cushion. Were you on water restrictions before the rain started? I keep hearing about the rain down-under - I certainly hope it eases the need for restrictions for you all.

  4. Woohoo, you got some Elvis fabric. Now is it for you or your daughter? He he he. Glad you have the LPs to listen to now.

    I think the Americanism would be feeling "so-so" rather than "so and so." Meaning you don't feel bad but you don't feel great either. Somewhere in between.

  5. I think I should collect royalties on that apple cake recipe--except that I can't really claim it as my own! LOL! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Did you use up all your apples yet?

  6. I'm thrilled to hear you've gotten all that rain. Not nearly enough I'm sure but certainly a good start.

    Here we say we are feeling "so-so" - leaving out the "and". That works in your saying too!


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