Friday, May 04, 2007

A post full of photos.
Trying a few different theories to see if you can then click on the photos to enlarge them. The cushion is the control, it is placed at medium size and middle layout. The rest are no layout and large size. We'll see if any click.

Here is the cushion close-up for those who asked, I hope you can see some quilting, it is difficult with the black.
My group strips of friendship (for Anne). Done three or so years ago ,it hangs in the entranceway.

A sample of the 60+ show/gift bags we are making for the market day.
Little wall hangings and string pieced pot holders. (Old blanketing inside.) Aiming to do a fair few pretty floral ones as well.
I scored 8 metres of this floral satin. I don't even like to guess how old it would be but it makes up beautifully into little cushion stacks/doll pillows and I'm going to try some pillow slips and doll blankets. I am happy to swap a fat quarter for the odd piece if anyone is interested.
and, of course, no fete is complete without chooks. We have done about 30 so far and more of the chenille ones are definitely on the cards, they are so cuddly.
Busy organizing the School market today, sick of the phone but enjoying the little email chats with a few of you in between. Cheers and tell me how the photos go, Tracey


  1. Very cute stuff! I like that satin floral and your chooks! Hey, if you figure out the picture clicking thing, let me know. The top photo didn't enlarge but the others I tried did. It seems on my blog, I'll upload several photos the same way and some are clickable and some not. Go figure! LOL!

  2. I just love the chooks you do!!! I looked online for some nice quotes for mom. Check out this website...
    There were some really good ones.

  3. Oh my, do I feel like a total and complete slacker. Love your chooks, need to figure out how to make one or two for dd. I'm finally catching up with my blog reading -- only a week and 1/2 more here and I get to be human again!

  4. They click! (apart from the control one). I can see all your fab work in glorious detail. Who could resist those chooks?

  5. All photos except the first one - pillow - enlarged for me. I love everything in the photos but especially that cute little chenille chicken - I love that thing!

  6. Thank you so much for posting a picture of the whole friendship strip quilt, Tracey! It's nice to see all of it, it's beautiful! It must be nice to have something that so many of your friends have contributed to :o) And I did go back in your archive yesterday to read the post from November - great story to the quilt :o)

    The chooks are really cute! About the pictures: all enlarge except the one of the pretty cushion, but I guess you have figured that out by now :o)

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Yup, all the photos but the first one are Clickable. :)

  8. I love the pink chenille chicken!
    These should be a hit at your sale.

  9. AHHH! I love the chenille chickens! Did you dye the fabric? I think some of those are in my future...

  10. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on the chain border.

    I can't get over how much you all are getting done. The chenille chook is darling!

  11. Oh, you are getting so much done! And it's all so cute! I need to follow in your footsteps and prepare now for our October sale. Otherwise I won't have enough stuff, as usual, and I will wish I had put my nose to the grindstone.

  12. That floral satin is gorgeous and I adore the Friendship Quilt. BTW I forgot to say that I'm using your mini mini mini quilt as a bookmark so every time I pick up my current read I think of you.

  13. The top photo didn't enlarge but the others did. This is different to my blog! Anything small or medium will be clickable but large images won't be. Strange!

    And those chickens are very cute indeed!

  14. I found the 'clickers' *s* The satin floral reminds me of my grandma - she would love those cushions.

  15. Oh, well done! You figured it out so now have clickable photos. So much better for seeing the detail!

    You ladies have sure been busy! I hope the sale was very successful. I'm sure I'll find out as I keep reading.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!