Saturday, April 07, 2007

If an apple a day keeps the Doctor away......
Then he is never coming here. Have a little look at the apples that have been given to me for cooking. I already have 22 foot of strudel in the freezer and I can see plenty more coming. I also resurrected my dehydrator and have that drying some as I write. I am thinking fruit leathers as well or I will never be able to use my laundry again.
How are the calves? Going very well as you can see from the most recent pictures. I am a little fixated on Jim Shore resin figures with the quilts incorporated in them at present so I chose an old sampler quilt and tried for a few similar shots. If they would have stopped trying to eat the quilt it would have been a lot easier! But I think these couple of photos worked OK.

Worked on the pink floral quilt for an entire hour today, I would have finished but I sewed two rows together wrong and am now about to unpick.(Not rip!) So I suppose I had better stop putting it off. Adios, Tracey
ps, In about 55 minutes it will be 12 years since an optimistic me married a fairly well confirmed bachelor and it worked out better than even I hoped for, here's a pic!


  1. I hope those calves appreciate your quilts! Have you made apple sauce? We have lots of apples given to us and I make apple sauce and freeze it. It can be canned as well but it's easier to just freeze it.

  2. Happy anniversary to you!!

  3. Just found your blog and had to share a little story. I was in the classroom the other day talking with some of the kids (4 year olds) about how some of their classmates have been out sick and one of them looked at me very seriously and said, "You know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It's true." I just nodded, out of the mouths of babes.

  4. Love those cow pictures! And happy anniversary.

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    That's a lot of apples. Can I come over for strudel?

  6. Happy Anniversary Tracey. Wishing you a wonderfully loving day and a peaceful Easter.

  7. Tracey, Tomorrow happens to be our wedding anniversary too. Congrats from one to another.
    I have a few of the Jim Shore resins too - they're so pretty they're hard to resist.

  8. Happy anniversary! And in case no one has said it -- the cows obviously have good taste if they are trying to eat your quilt (bad pun, I know, I am trying to get help for this).

  9. Happy anniversary! I second the motion for applesauce--we make it too, DH and I. We can ours and often give it as part of a Christmas gift basket. Then, of course, there are always apple pies! And apple cake--I have a good recipe for apple cake. Write to me if you think you need it!

  10. Oh look at all those apples. Mmmm I would be over in a minute for studel. I just got done eating an apple turnover - but store bought.

    Your Jim Shore like pics turned out cute!

    And Happy Anniversary!

  11. 22 feet of strudel! I can't even imagine that! We have apple trees too and this year I made lots of apple sauce and dutch apple cake. By November my DH was swearing off apples but I still love them!

    The calves are adorable!

  12. I love that you keep track of your strudel by the foot *s* Happy anniversary and many more.

  13. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!

    Good luck using all those apples, we make our own stewed apples here and freeze it - delicious on home-made muesli


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