Monday, April 09, 2007

How do I enlarge a completed quilt?
All ideas will be gratefully examined today. I have posted about the quilt I gave my dad last year for his 70th birthday and then laughed about the "ask your Mum if we can use it" query. Now, I have it back.
It seems that they slept very well under my Gratitudes when they babysat a few weeks ago and they want Dad's added to so that it is Q/S-about 7 inches each side!!?? So I now have it back and sitting in my lounge while I try to get inspiration.
I had a little think about using something like this nice pre-quilted gold and just cutting the bindings off Dad's and finish it in the gold but I really have very little idea about how to go about it when it is already backed and tied. I am going to leave this open until about Friday the 13th so feel free to give suggestions until then.
I was extremely naughty last night and pulled an all nighter on the couch watching Australia V England cricket. I think I may have napped a bit because there are about 100 runs of the England innings I can't account for but in general I watched it all. Made more strudel and sewed my Lone Star as well. It is getting very close to being post worthy (which reminds me of a Seinfeld episode, I wonder if anyone picks it?). I enjoyed watching the sunrise but couldn't sneak up the house to get the camera for a photo. If you want to see a great Easter morning Australian sunrise photo go over to Carol at 'Pins and Needles'. She is with Blogger and accidentally lives in my area!(One day I must learn how to link...)
Have been madly cleaning house since then and feel a nana nap coming on.
Last photo is a little bit of Op (thrift) shopping I did on Thursday. I was looking for sewing notions that I can use for all the items we are making for the Mother's day market and am happy to share my $6 worth of mixed treasure photo with you-
That's an Ethel Merman record in the back, singing memories from "the 90's to the 20's" and we aint talking the 1990's! Great songs, my son calls the record, "the big DCD". Reminds me of Saturday afternoon matinee movies.I think I may just stick the cover to my studio wall..I love the colours.
Look at the big roll of some kind of fabulous heavy gold thread, heaps of bias binding and thread on wooden spools....oooh! A great way to spend $6!

Finally, while waiting for the cricket to come on I finished last weeks quilt that I made from playing with blocks. It has turned out very brightly.

Happy Quilting, Tracey


  1. Love the bright pink quilt and I wish I had thrift stores in my area that had such wonderful finds! Or maybe I just need to get there earlier to fight off all of the university students who live in the area?

  2. The pink quilt is gorgeous. Wasn't the Australia/England game good. Our time zone makes it a little more viewer friendly than yours :) but I still stayed up too late to see then end of it.

  3. There are no emediate solutions to enlarging your Dad's Log Cabin poping into my brain... I'll let you know if I think of something... Just thought I'd let you know I think the pink quilt is stunning! Love it!

  4. Here is an idea for your dad's quilt. Let's see if I can describe it with just words.
    Take off the binding. Pin the gold to the front of your quilt (right sides together) and pin a piece of bias to the back of the quilt. Sew around the edges. When you turn the new border up, you will have the border on the front and the bias on the back. Hand sew the bias onto the back of the quilt. It will be like a little piece of fabric covering the raw edge of the new border. Doe that make any sense?

  5. I have tried to understand cricket but so far no luck! We did almost the same thing staying up very late (for me at least) to watch the Masters Gold Tournament.

    The pink quilt if very cute.

  6. Since it's your dad you could just give him a Q/S quilt. And leave the other the size it is. Might be easier in the long run.

  7. Seeing the old Ethel Merman vinyl bought a smile to my face - I can remember singing along with it at my parents. Not sure what happened to it - must ask my sisters.
    No ideas about your Dad's quilt - Sue's idea to make a new one sounds good to my a great excuse to buy more fabric...


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!