Monday, March 12, 2007

Took time out to smell the roses today...
well, I would have had a smell if they hadn't dried up a month or two ago, but I think you get the idea. The flowering succulent pictured above will have to do.

The kids had a public holiday so I spent time watching the birthday "Calamity Jane" DVD, visiting the chooks and going for a walk with my son. Oh what a different experience that is, no marching at high speed with him, rather we followed runaway hares and the cattle's trail through the maze crop. We let the cattle on it today as it has never managed to have 1 shower of rain on it in the 2 months since it was sown, and although it has tried valiantly to stay alive the withering was just beginning. With virtually no feed here we couldn't see it wasted. DS is pictured doing a reindeer impersonation with the plants he has now put in a vase ( and covered with plastic snakes) on my kitchen table.

We visited the chooks on the way back and we thought you may like these frizzles and frizzle crosses for a little change from quilts (my boy suggested that!!)

He especially likes this photo where you can see the little chicks feet as he attempts to dive into the grain eating throng!!

So, I've walked, juiced and only had 1 and a half coffees-not a bad start. Also, NO chocolate or lollies! Hope you are having a great day.


-little boys to slow you down and baby chickens who love eating the leftovers after you make juice.


  1. Great chook photos! Sorry about your rain situation too.

  2. About the plant in the first photo - do you guys in OZ call those "hens and chicks?" (I am not sure what their "real" name is...) I have never seen one with flowers sprouting forth...

    I too love the photo of the chicks feet... :o)

  3. Nothing like spending part of your day looking at the world through the eyes of a kid.

  4. Love those chickens! So very fluffy and fuzzy!
    My hens and chicks (succulents) are flowering as well :)

  5. I love the chooks! They are adorable! Is that your hens and chick plant? If so it is doing wonderful! Love it!


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