Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Books and bargains.
Not much sewing achieved in the last day or two, an urgent dentist appointment for my girl in Warrnambool yesterday and in the local town for School canteen duty today.
Kids due home on the bus in 7 minutes, I wonder if I can post by then...
Went to the Op Shop looking for red skirts to turn into cloaks for my boys literacy time at School. Found the good treasure in the above picture...and the skirts that I'll show you later.
The stained glass window, that I want to make ONE DAY was a dollar!! It's even got the hanging pocket. Can't decide what to do with it but couldn't leave it there..all homeless!
The q/s bed quilt will be fabulous for santa sacks or backing things I can tie, it's perfect. And the little bindings, thread, etc were all in a little bag for another dollar. I was happy with that shopping but SOOO excited when I got my book delivery.....
Ordering books online can be tricky, I'm working off recommendations from blogs I read and short excerpts in the compendium books I like but it's still trial and error. Today.. I really kicked a goal.
I knew I would love Rebecca Barker's pictures as I have seen them before but didn't realise I would get patterns for the quilts. The devotional one is fantastic, I thought it may have just been a myriad of different devotions and therefore labelled a "patchwork" but each short devotion is centred about quilting with a message and Bible Verse. I have it's sister edition still on backorder. I can see that suiting a lot of my quilting friends.
I will have to just touch the novels for awhile and enjoy owning them before I dare soil them by reading them!
The Josephina storybook is a fabulous kids one about a girl on her way across the prairies in her wagon who brings her pet chook and sews storyblocks on the way.
Do books get much better than that, I ask you?!!
(And therein lies today's joy)..and fitted into my time frame.
Off to do do homework! ) Oh yay!
Cheers, Tracey


  1. Brilliant buys at the op shop, way to go. And those books look fabulous. You should give a review on your blog of each as you read it. I have a great Quilters Book here given as a gift which I can highly recommend. "Every Quilt Tells a Story" by Helen Kelley. Lots of short stories and you'll see yourself in every one of them.

  2. Very ugly link, so hope it will work.

  3. Don't you just love OpSHop treasures! The stained glass is fantastic. I too want to try one.

  4. Ahh - books, aren't they great? I find myself being drawn to children's books a lot lately. The graphic appeal really speaks to me (okay quietly hoping for grandchildren - but I do enjoy the books, too *s*)

  5. Love your Op shop finds! I didn't know Rebecca Barker's pictures came as a book, and now you say there are patterns in there as well - I'm of to do some web shoping:o) And I'm sure you are going to love the Elm Creek Quilts novels - I kow I do :o) Enjoy your treasures!

  6. I think you'll love the Persian Pickle Club--I did! Most of Sandra Dallas' books are good, but I think that's my favorite. Alice's Tulips and Diary of Mattie Spencer come in second and third, but I'm not sure which is which! Oh, and another great book if you haven't already read it is These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine by Nancy Turner.

  7. oooooh I see a couple of books I don't have in your stash there! I am going to go to Amazon right now and order them!!! thanks you!


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