Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm on time!
It's the first day of the new Year and I have managed to begin the New Year the way I want it to continue. Well...that's not entirely true-dragging myself from bed fairly tired and with an ever so slightly muddled head is probably not the way the year should continue but the finishing off of quilts that are due, the walking, the sorting of sewing projects and the time with family were positives that made up for the inauspicious start.

Had a few families and single friends over for a BBQ and swim to see out 2006. All of the 13 children managed to see in the New Year so you can obviously tell that my girl continues to get better and better.

As the stroke of midnight of a New year always begins a second celebration-my DH's birthday- it is not always so easy to have a relatively early night and believe me, if my 6 year old had not been jumping on me saying, "get the presents, it's daddy's birthday" at 8.30 am this morning I could well be still tucked away under my Gratitudes quilt tonight.

This post is called "I'm on time" for several reasons, but the main one is that the baby quilt for the potential great niece or nephew due on the 28/12 is finished, so I have done my bit but the baby is not being quite so punctual. DH is still hopeful it will be born on his birthday but I personally think you want to spread your yearly opportunities to celebrate out a little bit so I hope it's a few more days now. (This is easy for me to hope as I am not having to be pregnant with it!) This will be my 4th great niece or nephew, the first arrived when I was 28y.o and 12 weeks off having my first baby, our family is very out of whack!

The quilt is the chenille and cotton fun print that I posted as a 3/4 finished flimsy. My DN chose the fun print from the stash. It has my label on it which is their family name as well so that looks quite good.

As I am very big on goals, challenges and trying to stay organized these are some of my New Year resolutions to "do something with". Feel absolutely free in coming weeks to ask where the completed photos of these things are. I'm hoping this motivates me to stop looking at them!

Some plans or resolutions for 2007.

1. Master how to put the quilt goals in my toolbar-I have the general idea but I'm going to try tomorrow when I am more refreshed and less likely to give up and throw something at the screen!

2.UFO's-fix my favourite bag, red and white quilt, work on roses, sew last strip on the Moda faded memories, sew last strip and fix dodgy edge on quilt group rounds, finish flanelette panel, finish other baby chenille quilts and do some of the above pictured projects.

3. Quilts I want to start .

-Another plaid and check shirt quilt, single size.

-Red rose quilt.

-DD doll for birthday and small wall hanging.

-Chris' tessalations.

-Log cabin with the red flying geese on the edges.

-farm one.

-Christmas table runner.

-Everything I see really!

4. General resolutions.

-Keep car clean so DH doesn't need to shake his head at me once!

-Remember that skin products only work if you take the time to put them on, they will not make you beautiful just by having the jars in close proximity to you in the bathroom!

-Put things away rather than just down!

-Get books from the library more.

-Don't start more than 2 quilts in the one day!

-Clean the house early in the day so it doesn't drag in to fun time.

-Walk 5 times a week, do Pilates at least 3.

-Have at least 2 scheduled afternoons in the studio per week.

-Take time for cuddles!

My New Year gratitudes.

-A lovely, happy and fairly healthy family.

-The hope of rain that a new Year brings.

-Great friends to celebrate special times with.

-A clean slate and the excitement of what the New Year will bring.

-Plenty of beach days left in the holidays.

-Lots of lovely blogs to read.

Enough of plans for the coming year. I think tomorrow will see my 3000th hit since I got the counter, I may just update the 5 things you didn't know about me from my 2000th hit-whoever knows?! Happy New Year, Tracey


  1. It sounds like you had a good NYE. We stayed home (snowed in!) but that was fine. Today the kids and grandkids and some friends come to play in the snow intsead of the surf as you do. Luckily, the snowplow came through so we won't be two people eating food I prepared for 15 or 20. All the best in 2007.

  2. A fantastic list you have made. Enjoy the New Year and birthday celebrations *s*

  3. oh Tracey! I got a good chuckle out of the 'clean car' and "dont' start 2 quilts in one day!" my husband used to fuss at me because my van was...well..LIVED in. I went with him to California and we drove in HIS car there. (he keeps one there for business). My feet could not touch the floor due to the MESS! He has NEVER commented on my van again!..and Ask me why I like the 'dont' start 2 quilts in one day" maybe that sounds like me??? Happy New Year! Beth


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