Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another Millie!-(Millie Charlotte.)

As I was posting about the prospective arrival's tardiness last night at 11:45 pm, she was actually being born! A nice healthy 7 pound for her little slip of a mother and everyone is well so I get the unbridled joy of taking this little present like bundle of fabrics and making a special girly quilt to match yesterday's more generic variety.

There is very little in life that is more fun!!

Better run and start. Cheers, Tracey

ps Dh very pleased, he will actually be able to remember someone's birthday!


  1. Oh wonderful! I can't wait -- I'll bet a LOT of us can't wait -- to see the little charmer, AND the quilt that evolves from this fabric bundle!

  2. Congratulations ! And welcome to the world to this little treasure ! No doubt she will get a wonderful quilt !
    Millie...what a beautiful and soft name !

    Best wishes !

  3. Congrat! What a wonderful way to begin the new year.

  4. Congrats! I'm with Elaine - I can't wait to see the quilt you're going to make with those fabrics.

  5. Beautiful way to begin the year with a new little life!

  6. Hi Tracey, just popping in at this late hour to say "hi" and see how you are doing..*VBS*

    So happy to hear of the little ones safe arrival. 7 pounds is a nice size..now get going on that quilt! Hugs, Finn


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