Monday, October 23, 2006

Now that's a great way to simplify life......

How organized was I today?! Well I waved darlings good-bye at 8 am, silently singing the Hallelujah chorus but outwardly putting on the appropriate "gosh, I'm going to miss you" face, (a week of watching DVD's was starting to get to me) raced around feeding chooks, calves, assorted pets, cleaned house and had my walk.
IT WAS TIME!! I walked into my Quilting room, lovingly turned everything on, lovingly fondled some fabric and thought about the blissful next 5 hours I had. Then the power went off......for the next 6 hours!

So the only thing that was done today was that my Christmas boxes were fully packed and the embroidery was just about finished on my neighbors baby blanket. I was sitting there in absolute peace and quiet thinking "how would it be if we never had power?" It really doesn't bear thinking about does it. As much as I adore the old Singer sewing machines, it would take me that long to get my housework done I don't know when I'd ever get to use it!
So Joy in Daily living today is that no matter what other troubles we have, at least we have power! Also, the kids and their friends have just had a lovely hour in the pool and we managed to see Archie arguing with a Kangaroo outside the fence. Huge excitement because even though Australia has kangaroos they are not normally seen in the backyard!
Will be interesting to see if the photos come up today as I'm having trouble and only getting writing. One is meant to be today's work George's baby blanket that now needs heads and legs for the sheep and I think that will about d. George is the fourth child in 5 1/2 years for my neighbors and the first boy. Mum likes windmills and dad likes sheep, hence the blanket. The other photo is Archie v the Kangaroo.


  1. Oh how disappointing to be looking forward so much to quilting and then...zap!...the power goes out. At least you got caught up on the embroidery, that's good!!

    And you're totally right about taking the fact that we have power for granted. Isn't it funny how we never even think what life would be like without it - and we never really appreciate things like that - until it's gone!

    Hope you're having a good day and you get to quilt soon!

    God bless :)

  2. we certainly do take power for granted. Luckily i have plenty of hand work to do to last me quite awhile should we ever lose power.

    Bye the way, thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to see another Aussie blogger and from Victoria too :-)

  3. Looks like both Archie and the kangaroo were going to stand their ground *s*

    I love the baby quilt -- a great design meant to please everyone and cuddle a sweet baby, too. You are a clever gal.

  4. What I notice when some "convenience" is not available is that everything I think of to do requires that particular missing ingredient. If I have the car serviced, and am without wheels for a few hours, I can think of 82 places I absolutely must go! In the office, if they tell us the network will be down, everything that I have to accomplish requires using the computer. It must be one of Murphy's Laws! Looks as though your handwork project saved the day.

  5. Having electricity sure does make things easier. a power outage every now and then makes us thankful for the genius of ben franklin!!

    love the pic of george and the roo! we've had a baby black bear but never a kangaroo in our neck of the woods.

  6. that is too cool to see :D I love it! xoxo melzie

  7. What a bummer! I'm at the point where I have machine projects and hand projects, just in case the power goes out. The baby quilt will be cute. Can't wait to see it.


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