Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Help with a quilting Quandary please................
Today was my second try at some uninterrupted hours in the Patchwork room and I actually achieved a few things. The fancy dress costume (a trendy witch design copied from a picture) is now made and safely delivered. It was well worth the effort just for how appreciative this 12 year old was.
I also got in some time on my Moda quilt and this is where I would love some feedback!! I am in that classic position that I'm sure many of you know well where you didn't buy enough fabric at the start and now can't get what you want so there are 3 alternatives for the last border. We'll call the left alternative the butter yellow, the right alternative the green floral and the bottom alternative the yellow floral. I don't have any quilters groups for a few weeks and I want to get this finished so if I could possibly wake up in the morning with some input from the quilting fairies I would be ecstatic. (On that note, wouldn't it be great if, like in the Elves and the Shoemaker, fairies came in the night. They wouldn't have to do the patchwork for me-that would be no fun, but if they fixed the problems and did the quilting it would be fantastic. I'll do what my kids do-I'll write to Santa and see if he can sort that out for me. It seems to work for them!!)

Joy in daily living today, I hatched (well the chook did...) 5 little chickens and 3 Indian runner ducks. They are too cute and may be deserving of a picture at some point. Also,the kids and I played hide and seek outside before tea and both placed that first in their tea-time discussion of the best thing about their day.Sometimes we forget about those little things...
Have a great day and don't forget to give me a verdict. (i just hope the right photos have loaded, I'm only getting writing.)


  1. Sounds like a fun afternoon of games and talk with your kids -- these are the days they will remember.

    I vote for the green border on the right. I can't really make a case for it. Just know it seems to please my eye the best.

  2. I am leaning towards the floral, but if it were me, I'd go scrappy - that way you would/could use your scraps & the blending of the choices would look more "on purpose" rather than I ran out of the one that I would/should have used...

  3. My first choice would be the green floral, second choice the yellow floral. And I don't like the butter yellow at all. It just doesn't seem to go with the rest of the quilt.

  4. I vote for the green floral on the right, Tracey. :D Pretty quilt!

  5. I like the green. The top has a "blended quilt" feel to it and the green border carries that theme through.

  6. Well, I guess I like to be different LOL I vote for the butter yellow! But then again, they all look lovely, so I'm sure whatever you decide on will be great!

    God bless :)

  7. Yepoper - green floral, second choice would be floral at bottom. NOT the butter yellow, but just about the time I think it wouldn't be suitable, some clever gal will make it work beautifully! Good luck - lovely soft quilt.

  8. I guess I will have to go with the crowd. The green floral looks more like the plan. Although I think Amy's comment on scrappy is a really good one. That could add a whole new design element.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!