Have to share these pics with you! I went to my cousins house on Saturday night for my Uncle's special birthday. My cousin is a quilter..and felter..and cushion maker and doll maker!! She let me steal some photos for you in her lovely house, I love the felted bags, her own designs, other thinks you may pick a designer for...but not these! i just know how you all love MORE inspiration for projects! She even made the hanging tree with her wood router.
Very talented. I also have the beautiful bunch of flowers school gave me for market organizing to share, and a great present from them...a bobbin saver! Don't you love it when people know just what you need??!! thank goodness no chocolates!! Though we did get a lovely slice filled morning tea!
Better run to the bus...this daily blogging is hard to fit in...more tomorrow..and remeber all commenters for the week fo in the draw!
So lovely to hear from you - I am trying to catch-up too. Really sad to hear about little Kael - life's awful sometimes. A friend of mine lost her 31 yo daughter in a house fire a month back leaving her 2 young children without their loving mum. On a lighter note - very well done on the fund raising - you'll be a hard act to follow when you decide you've had enough :-). xx
The felted items, just can't get enough of seeing new ideas.
You expect us to choose a favorite????? They are all incredible. Such talent!
I love all the bags but what I love even more is the wooden tree to hang them all on :)
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