Sunday, October 21, 2007

All done!!!

The shearing is done, the wool is baled,
(the kids are hidden on top of these wool bales somewhere, they love it up there!!)
and some is even loaded onto the truck ready for an early morning highway trip to the woolstores tomorrow. It is 31 degrees celcius here today, and very humid, pleased I am not cooking a roast again. Hoping to get a shower of rain out of it but the radar looks unsure. The kids want to get the pool clean! Last night was one of those beautiful clear, spring evenings, the mountains looked great-

I only had the fairly unwilling model with me, he did get enthusiatic straight after this though, he found a heap of small animal skeletons and evidence of a fox living in the the next 10 photos are of the skeletons!! I will not add to your day by posting those!!

Farewelled out Minister and his family today, the two bigger daughters got cross-stitched towels with their names on them-made by some enthusiatic cross stitchers; the 5 year old and her one year old brother received these cuddle blankets- my first shaggy or rag quilts.

The blue and red is fully reversible with the opposite squares on the back. All the chenille piece came from vintage bedspreads and I was pretty happy with the results, the little girl kept hers very close.

The Minister's wife received this wall-hanging, it is the Nancy Halvorsten Nativity panel. I just added the gold border and binding, it didn't need anything else. These panels are great, I am going to do one for myself I think.

I am organising Spring's shearing photos, there was one rather traumatic develpoment, promise you wont tell DD but 'Spring' will not be having the babies she had hoped for, turns out "she" must actually be Thistle or Brad Pitt, it all got a little confusing when the three were escaping from every paddock they were put in after weaning!
Now, I am resisting the temptation to forward plan, but it looks like one of those rare, "time for me" weeks ahead...whoo hooo!!! Lots of sewing, returning emails to my lovely commenters and catching up on blogs....I will start making the coffee now!!!
Remember, you have about 9 hours from now to comment and maybe win a prize that will be made especially to suit the winner's tastes!! Have a great day, Tracey


Leigh said...

What a relief for you. Good job!

Joyce said...

Wow! All that wool. You should be a spinner. The quilts are beautiful. I never though of using chenille bedspreads on a quilt. I have several that I was going to use for jackets but...

~Bren~ said...

I am so glad you are done with this round! I absolutely love the wallhanging for your Minister's wife. The border colors are great. and your rag quilts are so cute. I have always wanted to make one.

Anonymous said...

Love your photo's Tracey, and just adore the one with the mountain, it's been ages since I've seen a Oh dear, poor little Spring, do hope she/he doesn't have a personality disorder from all of

Leah Spencer said...

Ok, I won't tell your daughter. ;) But I'm looking forward to the shearing photos!

Gizmo said...

Poor DD....Are you going to have to "find" Spring?? LOL
The wool looks wonderful. I've printed a copy for my Vet (she's a kiwi, and misses home terribly).
The wallhanging and quilts are beautiful, as well as your photos! Thanks again for sharing them.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Wow! That is a LOT of wool!

Susan said...

Nice presents for the minister's family. I'm sure they all felt loved.

How exciting to have all the shearing finished and baled! Did you get the rain?

I would have loved seeing the little skeleton pics! I'm always fascinated by those evidences of animal life.