Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Feeling energetic?
Well this will get you up and going for the day, you have hopped out of bed, dragged on clothes, conned an almost 7 year old into wearing a tie,-but not managed to get him into a jumper even though it is about 3 degrees outside. You've optimistically packed it into his bag along with his lunch and reader, listened to your daughter moan a little about her tummy, had a coffee and the rest of DS' breakfast then headed out to do your chores..........
Notice how I keep saying "your chores? Well that's because today you can have a little virtual tour, a taste of my morning jobs around the place...and for those of you who regularly ask for more farm pics, there are a few of those as well.

Start by heading for the lambs, notice roundabout and wonder why it is that weeds grow so well and don't need loving care and attention-while plants do. Realise weeding should be on today's chores but...did I mention it was 3 degrees!

Add excitement to your day by making the lambs share one bottle to finish their feed, always a guaranteed laugh! Is that a kiss?

Walk back past sewing room and gaze longingly, also note the amount of stuff dumped at the door during house rejuvenation and add another chore to the "to do later" list. Wonder why the chore list grows like the weeds.

Now, you had thought that these chores were easy, but here is where the huge ethical and moral decisions start occurring. See that Clothes line, the 2 loads of washing in the basket could go there and no carbon would be added to the ozone but your fingers would freeze and they probably wouldn't dry and you would be putting them in the drier tonight anyway OR you could save time and put them straight in the drier and just decide to plant more trees at the end of the winter to make up for it. (More chores!)
Stash non-recyclable rubbish in bins for DH to take to Transfer station when they start to overflow!

Put recycling in it's containers in the shed and find a little surprise. This chook has had her photo in before, she was one of the very early chickens when I began posting and now 7 or 8 months later she is sitting on her own babies.

Empty the food scraps (hypothetically for the chooks) and then enjoy watching to see who gets them, the chooks or Archie.

This is Archie winning.

This is Detente, the gobbler is a little like a world political leader, easier not messed with!

A quick walk around the ewes lambing in the close paddocks. Hope you packed your coat and het, how about your birthing gloves?! (I was picking mushrooms in this swamp 2 weeks ago, now it is very wet, I am hoping I will be showing you swans on it soon. )

Head down to the Spring paddock. Notice the tracks? Sheep like to follow the same paths all the time, and often the same leaders.

Find a pair of Brolgas on the new crop coming up next to the wetlands. We gladly share the crop with these wild dancing, funny talking giants. Don't go to close, we want them to stay.

Some wheat poking it's head out as we go past. Remember to check how it is going so you can give a report that sounds educated and observant over coffee with the DH later! Then flatten the batteries on the camera (it can take over 300 shots and be left on a bit!!) and head back home to start the real chores!

So, why doesn't Tracey get more done....well I don't know the answer either!


Lily Mulholland said...

Yep, that's the worst part about chores - as soon as you're 'finished' they start up all over again.

Cute lambs!

Chookyblue...... said...

Unfortunately on the farm it does not take very long to do a couple of quick jobs and a wad of time is gone with nothing much to show for it.... Would not swap it though.....tell me why boys are crazy when it comes to clothing and putting enough on?????it was cold enough here today although we still have not had a frost can you believe that.......

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Loved the walk round the farm - great to see free-range chooks. I love containers too, especially ones that stack up. I think our upstairs floor joists will just 'give up' one day under the weight of stuff I keep!

Doodlebug Gail said...

What a nice post - it's good to see how other people live. What sweet little lambs. You're enjoying your camera - aren't you?

McIrish Annie said...

You definitely have lots on your hands but it looks like a lovely peaceful place to be! thanks for the tour

Libby said...

Well, chores are chores - but the work is always lighter when it's shared . . . even with those far away. Thanks for taking us along.

Diana said...

I've often wondered why it is we don't just TRY to cultivate weeds--wouldn't it be easier in the long run? Thanks for the virtual tour of your morning. The lambs are darling.

Anonymous said...

Tracey it was so nice to see photo's of "home", thank you for the tour, it was great to see familiar birds trees etc. As for the chores, well they will always be there the next day unless you have a fairy that comes in and does them while you're sleeping.

Laurie Ann said...

Thanks for sharing your morning! Love all the animals!!

atet said...

Ok, now I feel like a slacker. I think I need to go get some chores done! EEeeek. Vacation time is OVER.

Elaine Adair said...

Well, THAT was fun! I grew up on a farm, and remember many of those activities. It was a long time ago, but what great memories. Thanks for the reminder photos.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I just don't know why you can't do more!!! :) I LOVED the animal/farm pics! I begged Mark the other night to get chickens and Emily started in on sheep! It ain't goin to happen....

Kim said...

Thanks for the tour, Tracey! I especially like the part about how cold it is, since it's supposed to be close to 100 degrees here today!

Susan said...

I loved your post - nice balance between pics and narration, and great sense of humor you have! You took some fabulous pictures of your life. Yes, straight into the dryer makes more sense. =) Forget the trees. Put in an aquarium with sea weed. =)

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

That was really neat. I love when someone posts pics about their normal day to day stuff. It's a little peek into someones day.
Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

The idea of country life is so appealing, but all that work! I imagine when your chores are done you're too tired to do any fun stuff like quilting!

Jenni said...

Busy busy busy. Love the lambs and the chooks. Hope you are not too cold, but at least it looks like you've had some rain.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Me energetic? I don't think so. Better to be an armchair farmer. LOVE those sweet lambies. very adorable. please don't tell me if they become food.