Friday, July 29, 2011

Colourful Fridays...leaves.

A quick post this morning, massive week and today isn't much better. Snatched a few minutes to take some photos for Daisy Quilt's, Colourful friday challenge. today is leaves. A little bleak for good leaves around here, so this was the best that I could do...
The underside of a leaf ...think a young ivy.

More ivy...with some digital enhancing for fun!

Next in the search I found all this growth on what is probably a century old fruit tree. Hidden amongst the lichen are some leaf buds...which hopefully gets this in on a technicality. The lilies are sending out new leaves. And on the final note, we get to Archie and one of the cats...

And that is what i had better do, cheers, Tracey
...just found the typo in the above pic but haven't time to fix it!


  1. Lovely photos, Tracey. I especially like the colours in the first one. Just beautiful. And the old fruit tree is lovely too with all its gnarly bits.
    Have fun chasing those pets!

  2. The young lily is my fav ... heralding that Spring is around the corner.

  3. Great photos, the colours of the first leaf are gorgeous, but I love the last pics of the pets the most :)

  4. Ha ha a fun post! *grin*
    Leaves are so interesting.
    Really like the pic of your ivy.. wonderful point of view!
    Happy CF Tracey.. I'll be in touch :D

  5. Love the spinal leaf --- No slipped discs there.

  6. Hello Tracy,

    I senzse you have a great sense of humour. Have a great weekend.
    Happy days.

  7. Great photography, lovely colours. TFS

  8. Such gorgeous colors!!! Beautiful pictures.

  9. Your photos are beauiful! The angle on the ivy is very striking! Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Beautiful photos!

    Beertje Zonn


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!