Friday, June 17, 2011

Colourful Friday- blue and orange

Back for a colourful Friday, I love this game, hosted by Daisy Quilts. I have gone back through the archives again for photos that (sometimes loosely) suit the theme. Some are chosen just 'cos they bring back good memories really! Give the pics an airing, I say. Then the last 2 flowers were taken today, turns out I did the Church flowers with orange last Sunday...lucky because flowers are thin on the ground here this winter.The log cabin above was sewn for my "Summer" four season s swap a few years ago.

This was a good-bye gift for a minister's wife.

This is a friend's Bird of paradise, i just love these flowers.

A blue kenworth at sunset, I love harvest time!

A little boy that seems to belong to a world away...he lived in orange and bright colours as they helped me to find him when he escaped...which was often!

Blue with autumn leaves, they grow up far too fast...probably 7 years ago!

Same day, running up our driveway. I loved that bright blue on my girl. As much as I loved orange on her brother.

Poser! The light only does this down our driveway for a few weeks a year.

Dancing the night I got my first digital camera, a little kodak that I thought was marvellous!

Last ones are oriental lilies, (I think) taken today. can you pick a favourite today?

If you follow the link to daisy's blog you can visit all the other blogs who participate today and see their take on orange and has made me want to make a quilt in that colourway.

Cheers, tracey


  1. Great collection of photos. Gorgeous colours in the flowers. Love the sewing. Your kids look great in their blue and orange, no matter what the age! The sunset has worked well.

  2. Oh Tracey, you know I love your photos...such a great eye for a fantastic shot!
    I adore the Kenworth at sunset but I do admit the flowers (today) are my favourites! Glorious!!
    Happy Colourful Friday xx

  3. What beautiful family archive pics...but I think my fave is also the Kenworth with the sun setting in the background.....what's it with boys and wandering?....the older they get the further they go!
    Have a great weekend Tracey!

  4. So many great photos! They are all wonderful and creative! What a fun Colourful Friday post!

  5. You have some amazing photos here, love the ones of the children, and the kenworth at sunset is a winner.

  6. Great blues and oranges!!!!

  7. Hello Tracey,

    I love the truck photo. Lillies are stunning and the children look so happy and free in the photo's Happy days.

  8. Great minds think alike :) Stunning shot of the Bird of Paradise!
    Love the blue kenny too!


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