Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunflowers..and a giveaway on Giveaway day.

I planted a lot of sunflowers this year and have had 2 months worth of fun from a $5 investment at the animal food seeds shop...much cheaper buying your seeds there in bulk (nobody made me sign something to say that it wasn't going to be fed to birds!)

I just love them, they are such a happy flower, the kids agree, but did suggest that perhaps there wasn't a need to photograph them again! I must have disappeared into the backyard with the camera a lot. But it was like an elephant in the room...and you can imagine how often i would photograph that! I wanted them in all the different lights..and much more fun to take a photo of a sunflower than keep walking to the clothesline to hang another lot of washing. Here are a few for you...can you pick a favourite...and perhaps even win a charm pack? There are 12, with the firs being #1...and so on down to 12. OOps, editor's note, blogger has stolen 2! So only 10!

I am hoping to add a new sunflower range to Tracey's country Cards, if you list your faves from today's photos for me, with the idea of the photo lending itself to a card, it would be a great help. Anyone who does comment today, on what seems to be blog giveaway day, will get an entry into the commenters prize of a charm pack. You can choose whichever you like from these two florally themed ones. drawn next time I post, so hurry!

The blog every day for a week prize is still on offer as well for all those that comment this week.

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. They are gorgeous! I especially like the one on top. The first one just makes me smile.

  2. Love sunflowers,the colours in the different lights, but the silouhette? on is the one I like the best, thanks

  3. i like the one second to last...that would make a beautiful card...but also one with the bees could be good might appeal to someone looking for a sweet card with an underlying sting to it...

  4. I love #1 and #9 the most, but think they are all just terrific!

  5. Love, love, love the sunflowers Tracey!! What a shame if you hadn't snapped their picture! And HURRAY for Moda for new sunflower fabric!!!! Gotta find some of that!
    Hugs, Finn

  6. I want sunflowers every year, but somehow it is always too cold to plant and then bam - to late to plant!

  7. Great photos Tracey. Hard to pick but I would have to say Number 2-love the blend of colours and then 9-simple but with impact.

  8. I love them all but the last one is my Favourite
    hugs Beth

  9. Number 4, with head held high to get the last rays of day.

  10. The silouhette. Definitely.

    Love the Moda Sunflower fabric.

  11. My favourite is also the silhouette of the sunflower. I have two cameras but have not been using them much - your pics make me want to get out and play! Been working too much and sewing too much, I guess!

  12. Oops, should have also added it's great to see you posting again! I've been reading your blog for quite a long time now and I've missed your slice of life posts!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!