Thursday, May 19, 2011

A hectic month...but a blogging week to come!

Another month where i intended to blog more...and actually it was less!! But today is the first of 7 days of blogging, i am going to bring you up to speed on some sewing, some patchwork, some family news, lots of new photos, some new animals around the place ..and a bit of life in general. unfortunately for those with a love of, I don't have a secret love child i am about to reveal! Sorry, my life hasn't been quite that exciting the past month...unlike some others! For a start, from Shabby Fabrics, "Delilah", by Grand Reveval. I think Grand Reveival did the Barefoot roses range as well, a range I never tire of and have used in so many quilts. Of course, now I need to sew it, not look at it and fondle it lovingly...who will be Delilah worthy I wonder??

In the past month my girl was confirmed into our church after 12 months instruction. Had 45 here for sit down lunch last Sunday after the service. This is her cake, made by a very good friend of mine, was chocolate and caramel cake inside, delicious!

And here is my little church adult and myself. How did she get so close to my height already!!

School market was the week before. As long time readers know, i co-ordinate this event. Did a very rough time tally, because a friend insisted, and I put in somewhere in excess of 180 hours. Including making the above raffle prize from my Roman Holiday stash. (With its happy recipient) Well worth it, this year's was amazing! I did my first one 5 years ago, we made $5000 and were excited, by last year we were upto $9000 profit and this year close to $14,500!!! From a 4 hour school market. We had shifted venues and the entire town came, we worked out it averages $1.30 from every town resident, and we never asked the businesses for one dollar or one donation-proud of that!!

Berst thing about the market, I was too busy to eat and lost 5 kgs in the 3 weeks leading up to it, 4 1/2 of which have remained off. Feel like I should be paying to be in charge!

Here are some of my jams and pickles...thanks to everyone who helped me with fig recipes.

I have lots more to show, but you had better tune in tomorrow. Anyone who comments during catch-up week will go in the draw for a few prizes...not just from Tracey's Country Cards, but including!! And anyone who comments on every post will get extra entries.

This last photo is me releasing a green balloon on Kael's funeral day. Friends released green balloons all over the world in his memory. I was very emotional about the fact they draped kael's coffin with his leukeumia quilt from me, they removed it and have kept it as a lasting reminder.

If it was a tough day for me 1000's of kms away, i can't imagine how the family did it.

Hope your day is great, Tracey


  1. My you have been busy.
    Congrats on a successful school market day.
    Scary how we can blink and our children have grown up.

  2. You have been away , however you have posted your talents elsewhere and we are glad and happy to see you back. Great photos.

  3. Your daughter looks like her Mum!

    That Delilah line looks yummy, I can't believe I'm considering another hexagon hand project.

    Good job on the weigh loss, you are SO busy, hope you're taking care of YOU too~

  4. Great job on the market day! Lovely photo to mark his passing...I'm sure your quilt gave him happy moments.

  5. Congratulations on many fronts - the confirmation and a very successful market day. I LOVED that cake!!!!

    It does sound like you have been crazy busy there and I am really glad there is no big "news" about a love child!!!! One is enough.

    I don't know how parents handle the death of a child period! That had to be a very emotional event for everyone.

  6. I had wondered if you survived the fair!!! Love the photo of you and your girl. Look forward to seeing what else you post about this week!

  7. You have had a busy time and I'm glad it all went well. Congrats on the market - an amazing amount of money raised. Love the photo of you and your girl.


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