Thursday, April 14, 2011

It isn't all happy endings..

Sad news this week, the little boy who received the Quilt for Leukeumia quilt back in September passed away. I have been fortunate to be a part of his family's struggles since September by way of Facebook, and I can only pray that it is never anything that I have to face first hand.I am also very thankful that I could help to bring comfort and support to this great little boy. Cancer is a terrible thing, and medical research in this country needs to be gaining more money, not potentially be cut in half as is currently suggested. No-one should have to watch their little boy suffer like that. As they say, what a wonderful thing it will be when we need to have cake stalls to fund a war and hospitals and schools get all they need.

On a lighter note, and mainly because I don't want to leave all sad and political, fruit's in!! I have made my first batch of Clare's fig and walnut chutney (with home grown figs and walnuts)....looked BAD prior to cooking...slightly offputting, but beautiful after, haven't got a pic, I'll take one the next batch. I did it in the slowcooker, worked a treat!

This is my Mother-in-Law's ripe tomato chutney potion!! It is my family's favourite thing and pressure is always on for it to be good. A 6 hour cook, boiled down even darker than this third pic and is beautiful. Gotta love the smell.

Back soon, more stuff cooking. Hug your babies tight, love Tracey

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  1. That is sad news, Tracey. I will keep his family in my prayers. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be.

    The canning sounds fabulous.

  2. It's hard when we can't save kids from cancer, or anyone else for that matter. Looks like we'll be having more of those bake sales to fund medical research...oh the politics and how I could go on. I guess we must enjoy our own lives a little bit extra while we can and be glad to be able to make quilts or raise funds to help where it's needed. Here's a big hug to carry you through that lovely canning project you've got going there in your kitchen. I bet your house smells like heaven while the pots simmmer. :-D

  3. that's just so sad tracey. :( poor little man and his family.

    chutney = winter. yum!

  4. My thoughts are with Kael's family xx You have been very busy in the kitchen - yum!!

  5. So very, very touching. Such a beautiful young man and such a huge loss to this world and to his family. Your quilt was such a gift to them, Tracey and one that I know they will never forget. My heartfelt condolences to all.


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