Monday, January 31, 2011


Beach time these holidays has been great, we made the most of Mum camping down the beach by sleeping at her house and utilizing her caravan campsite 20 metres from the ocean during the days...the perfect setup as far as I am concerned...proper beds and showers! Stole nearly 2 weeks of beach time that way, without having to leave Dh at home by himself for longer than a night a time. (January is NOT a cropper's holiday time, so we have learnt to make the best of what we can get!)
The closest beach was struggling to cope with the aftermath of the floods, the ocean looked like coke (but we still swam!) and the foam was amazing...
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This is at the breakwater, all foam!

Foam or no foam, the local racehorses still had to be exercised, this is a great way to fill in an hour or two at the Warrnambool foreshore. (why has this just underlined itself??)

My sister decided that seeing I had taken in excess of 1000 photos of the kids at the beach there had better at least 2 to prove I was there!

I had a delivery to make as well, my sister enlisted my quilting knowledge and asked for a baby blanket for her new nephew. Another paid job that financed some more Hancock's purchases! Her kids just hand me everything that needs a stitch or button, funny!

So, signing off for the night, Dh has had a header breakdown and shown up prior to midnight...better talk to him! Cheers


  1. Header breakdown? A kind of machinery, or a very bad headache? lol I have SO much to learn.

    Glad you got some "away days", I love the beach, but live in the desert...go figure!

  2. I'm glad that you were able to get away for a bit and enjoy the coast. When we have the foamy stuff here, they advise us not to get in the water. It usually happens in the winter months here.

  3. Sounds like the break was wonderful - lucky you. Hope the breakdown wasn't too serious and DH is coping ok with the heat and all the work.

  4. Tis underlined because it has attached itself to the this dumb bird has just realized I need to send you selections and a sorry...brain has been awaol once the heat comes.

  5. I don't know what makes the foam, however it makes great pictures. Now to be at the beach a photo has to have bathers or a sand castle, just kidding.


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