Friday, January 07, 2011

Quilt for leukeumia progress

The strings are all sewn and attached, so thought the quilt needed a freepieced name. I have it all done as above, but can't decided whether to just have it all white like above and maybe applique a few stars in the space next to the A, or to attach a sashing like below.

I would imagine I'm only going to attach a red binding to it for the last step, so any ideas are welcome.

Also, well done on the prayers!! They are pretty sure Kael has not relapsed, just a problem due to an infection, and he was to be realeased from hospital yesterday!!!

Off to the beach for a few days, so you actually have time to think of a caption for me for the photo comp. So far it is far too easy to judge, so go back a post or two and give it a whirl!!
.I'll leave you with some linseed flowers with beautiful blue flowers. It has been looking like a wavy ocean in the breeze. We are a bit worried about that breeze though, it is predicted to come from the North today, strongly, and the north has a terrible locust plague, they would love this crop and our late (still green) barley. All the other ripe and dry stuff should be fine. The joys of farming!! If it isn't rain and drought, it's locusts! Wouldn't be anywhere else, though!

Have a great day, Tracey
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  1. Terrific quilt. GORGEOUS children.

  2. Great news about the problem being an infection.

    I love the quilt. It will be such a wonderful gift.

    I hope you don't get the locusts with that north wind. You don't need any more problem.

    Have a fun trip.

  3. que bonito te ha quedado el quilt... y que maravilla de letras, el nombre te ha quedado precios¡¡¡

    felicidades por tu nueva colcha.
    un beso

  4. Oh it is wonderful! I love the addition of the free hand name! I kind of like just the white. I"d add a piece of white to the left to center the name. But the red sashing looks good too. No border, just bind in red!

  5. The quilt looks great. I like it just as it is!

  6. I've never seen linseed before - what a beautiful field. And your kids . . . . my how they have grown *sweet*


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!