Friday, July 30, 2010

Back online...finally!

Guess what, I have been away in Africa on Safari...missed me?

Saw this...and these....

Okay, okay, we actually visted the Werribee Park Open Range zoo actaully. No time for overseas trips for me!

No, real reason I have been away...again. Never live in the internet eqivalent of the outback!! Well, only 20 minutes from a largeish town really! But we only get mail 3 times a week and I have been off line on and off for 10 weeks, and 6 weeks basically off. I now have my 4th modem in 6 months (industrial strength!) plus a big antenna on the roof...and if you have read the Stephanie Plum books you will remember their views on the cable companies from the book with the taxidermist, well, I am with them!!!

So, what's new...well, I have just worked my first full time week teaching for lots and lots of (probably pre baby) years! I have 3 weeks to go, so not a lot of quilting at present, binding to go on this weekend, then something to post!

A few more shots form the zoo...

Loved the next 2 photos, they made me feel skinny!

More news, turns out I shouldn't have blindly believed the man we got DD's kitten from last November, turns out Magnum never developed the right things in the right places, but ended up the proud owner of these....

Now, we knew the real Magnum was pretty impressive, but would like to see him manage this!!

Of course, we are adoring them, we weren't quite so excited about her commencing the birth process on the kitchen floor, Dh drew the line and put her outside, she had them on the door mat with 2 very interested young observers not missing a minute of the process! We transferred her into a cosy basket and she has spent the rest of the time being a devoted mother in the middle of my kitchen! Why, oh why, does everything end up in my kitchen?

Daisy niece loved "boos, boos" we had a hard time teaching her how to be gentle! But SO cute!!

Anyway, hope you are all well,and yes, I know I owe emails..I have only managed the odd 5 minutes on other computers. Here's to extended service! Tracey


  1. Congratulations on the kittens! We had some when our kids were little and it was loads of fun. And welcome back. Yes, of course you were missed.

  2. We've had boy kitties turn into girl kitties too. I haven't been to the zoo in years. Maybe a trip would make me look skinny too!

  3. were about 15 mins or so from being able to have coffee with me.
    When I was moving here the Electrolux man saw I had an Organ and asked if I played, I said yes, but preferred to sing. He brought me a local paper from the area we were moving to and on a dark winter night I drove about 40 mins across from the North part of ring road then, and found my way to an old theatre which is no longer used but is near the hotel behind Werribee mansion.,,,and auditioned and got one of the leads in Brigadoon. Looking back now I cannot believe I was so brave.
    And there was no zoo then, but it must have come soon after as I took over 100 preps there on excursion from a school in the area.
    It is long overdue time for me to go back and see what they have done.
    So glad you visited my part of the world.
    By the way.....I did need and electrolux and did buy one.
    And it goes without saying that there is kitten envy here.

  4. Gosh....I was complaining about sporatic internet for a couple of weeks.

    Aww...the kitties are so sweet. I'll bet she had a couple of intersted spectators during the birthing. We had a girl (boy) guinea pig once. We did not know until the school guinea pig (girl) came home one weekend for a visit and she delivered shortly afterwards.

  5. it's great to get to the zoo and see some different animals.......
    when you live out of town mail is a pain........we didn't get it yesterday because of rain........
    enjoy your patch of full time work.......

  6. Oh the open zoo looks like so much fun! I would die without internet for that long!

  7. Nice running into you in the street yesterday! Magnums kittens are SO cute!! Love the 'skinny' photos!

  8. Great photos! I was wondering where you were. I can't imagine living in the internet outback. I live for my on-line connections.

  9. Great photos Tracy. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  10. Giraffes, Rhinos and hippos all in the same post. I'm in heaven. Plus those adorable kitties.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

    PS it's still me but with a new blog

  11. Congrats on the new family additions...and loved the photos of the animals. I thought you had gone...until you fessed up. I do miss seeing African animals some days.


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