Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Introducing my new giftcard range!!!

Hi, yes, finally getting to this! Lots of school holiday distractions at present.

These are the new giftcards, about half the size of my normal cards, 10.5 x 7 cms or 4.5 x 2.75 inches. Still professionally printed on glossy card. No envelopes with these. The pictures show how they look before they are folded. I am stocking these in 5 shops, in packs of 2.

Big news...anyone who commented in the last week since I began posting about my Quilt retreat, wins at least 4 of these cards posted anywhere in the world, I will try to email you all in the next few days. If you have missed out, don't worry, i will choose a few commenters between now and the weekend to win a pack of 10...or two!

So today, tell me why, in this day and age of instantaneous communication..why you send and /or like to receive a card..... or even what one you like.

For a closer look, these are all over at Tracey's country cards, along with the normal notecards with envelopes.

Ed's note: oops, forgot to say that for this week, you can buy 5 of these giftcards and have them posted anywhere in the world for $5!!! An extra card thrown in for Aussies to make up for the postal difference.


  1. Oh... I hope I commented. I love a hand written note. It's so much more personal.. I fear that the next generation will not know the thrill of getting a letter in the mail and being able to hold it, dream over it, reread it...

  2. Love, love, love the new cards!
    It is such a nice treat to go to the mailbox and receive a note from a friend or loved one. I send cards to share that special joy that I have received from others. It really is nice to receive an email but a card when things are not going well or seeing your grandchild open a card and carry it around for days is so heart warming. I will continue to send cards and hopefully to receive them. Congrats on your new cards...they are stunning.
    Hugs, B

  3. Oh yeah! Your pictures are always so fabulous, Tracey.

    I just love going to the mailbox and seeing something other than ads and bills. To see a handwritten envelope is so exciting. I also love sending them even though my handwriting is awful these days.

  4. I love to receive a handwritten card in the mail, it doesn't have to be a fancy one, it's the handwriting and the words which matter. And because I feel that way I also make the effort to hand write cards for friends who I know will appreciate them.

    Your cards are fabulous! You're very talented .... hope you add some of the yellow canola fields when they're next in full colour.

    Take care, Gail

  5. oh I just love to read old cards
    just on the weekend I had the chance to go through some that had been posted to my Granmother
    now if they had been an email I would not have even seen them and the old wrighting style was beautiful
    your cards are all amazing
    hugs Beth

  6. Oh they all look great Tracey!! There is always something that has to be sent snail mail and it's always nice to do so with a little pazzaz!

  7. they look good.........need to spend some time on mine during the holidays.......


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!