Thursday, May 20, 2010

Any idea on what this spider is?

Going around the sheep in the fog this morning and found this spider in a tussock, anyone know what it's least maybe 3 or 4 centimetres.

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  1. I would call this spider "Sir," and give him very wide berth.

  2. What an extrodinary creature! Sorry I have no idea what it is called but think your photography of it is spectacular!! :-)

  3. I'd say its a Golden Orb spider. We have them here, they are fascinating, as long as they are building their webs where you don't walk!

  4. I agree with Julie although its more stripy then a Golden Orb....The really big ones can catch small birds like Rens...they just make me real scardy pants..!

  5. It's Australian, that's for sure!! If I saw that here I'd be moving the other way quickly by now. I know, I'm a wuss! Our Orb spiders are not so hairy and have like ink blot patterns, not stripes. They only about thumb nail size too.

  6. no help on what is it but I love the photos.........

  7. Definetely some kind of orb spider, and have fun if you walk through their webs, they are really strong and extra sticky, and make you do the ninja dance!

  8. The kind you probably don't want to run into...

  9. The kind that sat beside Little Ms Muffet and frightened her!! EEK!

  10. It's yucky, sticky, and crawly, and would probably live all by himself 'cause I ain't gonna visit!

  11. Oh I agree with Nancy...but more because I think he/ she is spectacular... !
    Yeah I know your supposed to be scared of spiders...I find them fascinating. We do not have that species of Orbweb here in NZ.

  12. No help here , however he makes a nice photo.

  13. I am a spiderphobic but leave the orb spiders alone because they are homeless just stay in their webs and eat insects....I think...I hope....we live in spiderland and have some huge ones...or should I say "had" I think they have all got the message and give me and the house a wide berth now

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. I found this name and photos online. Looks close to your photo and it is in the orb weaver family.

    Argiope trifasciata

    Kathie, who finds spiders fascinating in someone else's location.

  16. A more pronounceable name is banded orb weaver.


  17. No idea what spider it is but I would stay away from it. I love the photos.

  18. What I truly amazing photo of the spider! Love it!

  19. really big ones can catch small birds like Rens...they just make me real scardy pants..!
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