Saturday, March 20, 2010

Same old, same old....

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Another week has just disappeared! Plenty to catch up on when you are away for 5 days, but it was well worth it. Our favourite, Garth Tander, won. He drives for (GM) Holden.

On the way home we saw his car carrier setup, thought there may be some petrolhead out there who'd appreciate seeing that!

Not sure if quilting and car racing are generally 2 hobbies that go together, but why not!

Came home to photographing the school athletic sports, getting the ball rolling for this year's school fete, getting back to the gym, buying a new bull and 13 stud angus heifers....amongst the normal!

Today I took family photos for a Church family at their actual paid job! I am very happy with them. Then spent the afternoon cooking Apple strudel and sausage rolls-my girl baked muffins

... I felt like my mother!- the only thing lacking was Dolly Parton on the radiogram! Instead I was watching Transformers on the big screen, my Mum wouldn't have imagined anything like that 30 years ago!

I bought a few things last week at the closing sale, the photo of the main bulk I accidentally scrubbed this morning making more room on my card...and by now everything is dispersed to where it belongs...pretty much!

I did have these photos of a couple of the panels I grabbed.

Hope everyone is great, I have lots of emails to reply to and posts to read...if only the world would stop for a day of two just to allow me to catch up! It reminds me of one of my favourite Helen Kelley quilting stories that I originally read in a a magazine and is in a selection of her work i have in book form as well... about the night she was given the gift of time...her clock stopped and she kept working most of the night!! It felt like such a gift...that's the kind of gift I need!


  1. Hi, take your time and don't rush, life is too short !!
    Lovely pics ;-))

  2. Stitching and motor racing fan owning up here. Wish I could have been with you, We're Murph fans though.

  3. It's good to hear the break went well and of course cars and quilting go together...vbg. Hope domestic life is settling down as are the new livestock. If you find a way to stop time let me

  4. Boy I would be right over for strudel, sausage rolls and muffins!

  5. My sentiments are the same as the first commenter, Take care , life's good.

  6. A person after my own heart,love the V8 Supercars especially when Holden wins, Garth is also my favourite. Still can't get used to Jamie Wincup in a Holden. I have been a Quilter for 20 years and always make sure that I have some stitcheries on hand when the races are on the TV. Bathurst is our closest track.Sometimes wish my clock would stop, but the I might miss something. Cheers

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  8. Wish I could have been with you, We're Murph fans though.
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