Monday, February 22, 2010

This 'n that...

Posted by PicasaEnforced slow down here at present, think it may be a middle ear infection but I just conned DH into a neck and back rub in case it's a pinched nerve. Feel a tad on the woozy side when I stand up. Don't worry, if it lasts until tomorrow I'll go to the Doctor...of course my kids would have been taken already! I am catching up on last night's end of series episode of Doctor Who, sad to see the end of David Tennant, but the new one looks alright...Good story, I loved all the updates and closure, a little bit Time Traveller's wife, a little bit Star Wars!

Have been spending lots of time with the new camera; publicity shots for the school, Church picnic yesterday, (we sold all the fruit and veg donations from the Harvest Thanksgiving and made around $400 for the hospital and Haiti.) And a card series for the local antique shop, uploaded a few for you, as there hasn't been a lot of time for sewing! Been designing alot of photo books for special occasions as well, everyone I know will nearly end up with a book of photos of themselves at this rate!

I am debating over a quilt project at this point, I have 2 weeks until my daughter's's been about 5 years since she got her last quilt..she'd mad on cats..i wonder if I can bump her up the list of oh so many projects to finish and make her something. They both drag out their quilts for Tv every day, I'm sure another wont go astray.

I'll sleep on it! Maybe a good night's sleep will solve everything!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Look after yourself Tracy

  2. I think you and I have the same thing. Feel better soon.

  3. Hope you feel better soon.

    Your pictures are gorgeous!

  4. What great pics. Hope you are feeling better soon *s*

  5. Maybe you remember that our daughters are born on the same day. My daughter keeps telling me that she has never got a quilt - ( true) but I certainly won't have time to make one before the 9th. Maybe Christmas or next year. Get better soon.

  6. 2 weeks to the birthday - nothing like a bit of pressure! Hope your wooziness improves quickly.

  7. Love the photos of the antiques Tracey...especially the old singer. Hope you're feeling better soon xx


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