Saturday, February 06, 2010

Bushfires remembered and an update on your generous donations...

Posted by PicasaHi to everyone. In about an hour it will be the 1st anniversary of the Black Saturday bushfires in Australia. Those of you who follow my blog will know that blocks were sent here from all of you lovely supportive quilters all over the world. I haven't made a big fanfare as they have all quietly been being completed and in many cases dispersed...I don't think any of us made our blocks to be made a fuss of, just to wrap our quilts of support around those affected. But these are a few photos that have been snapped of quilts in progress and I thought you may like to see how some ended up. There are still a few big ones in progress, there hasn't been a huge hurry on these last ones as a lot of people are still in temporary housing...the quilts will in many instances be a new house present.
I would like to again thank you all for making these blocks in the first place, and my quilt group for helping put them together, well done all!
And tonight I would like you all to remember the victims in your prayers, and the many people still waiting for a new home...add that to your Haiti thoughts....Stay safe, Tracey
Gotta love a kaffe fassett border
gotta love those circles
Why don't I make more scrappy churn dash quilts?
And this as well...
*****Late edit*****Just visited my lovely friend dawn's blog and she'd just found out her hubby is being deployed. Usually a fabulously funny read, maybe not so much tonight, but well worth a visit to say hi ...


  1. The finished quilts are lovely. Well done everyone involved.
    A year has gone by and already the world has had a least one major disaster we all know about. It is humbling and thought provoking,and makes me think how fortunate the rest of us are with our homes and lives still fairly much in order and just how much we have to be grateful for. I do hope the families who lost everything are starting to make a life for themselves again. Your quilts will be a reminder that others care.

  2. It doesn't seem as though a year has gone by.....but for those who were directly affected by the fires, it must seem like a lifetime.


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