Monday, January 25, 2010

I've found the blame!

I have lost 6 kilos twice in the last 6 months, and after the Christmas season I am probably going to have to lose them again. Enough to break your heart! Imagine the results if I'd just lost the 12! I think I have finally found the problem...
I bought these yesterday for my Dad's birthday,
he feels the same about Lindt as I do, and Lindt Easter eggs...there's NOTHING better.
Now, I had the best of intentions, figured I am 40 now, I can buy my favourite chocolate when it's on sale and keep it for 2 weeks...I'm 40 now......I'm 40 now...I'm 40 now (if I say it enough it may sink in or start to take effect!
Well, here's what's left...

Three lonely, uneaten chocs and I don't like their chances of lasting the night!
I cannot have chocolate or anything bad in the house-it plays on my mind, my husband definitely thinks it's like alcoholism!
So I may as well eat it now and we'll both be put out of our misery...and no more storing chocs in the house!...just go back to the singles I buy myself as a reward once a week for grocery shopping! Speaking of exercise, I ran into my auntie at my nana's funeral, she had been going great guns at hand piecing the last time I saw her. Asked her how it was going and she broke the bad news that with her type 2 diabetes the doc told her she had to give it up, there was no exercise in quilting!!! I think surely there must be a happy balance in our lives? Next week the kids will go back to school after 8 weeks and I will go back to 4 exercise sessions and a more scheduled family life.....there has to be room to fit exercise and quilting surely...that 6 kgs will just have to go again, but surely that doesn't mean the vastly more that 6 kgs of stash has to go as well! What do you think about the balance?

Stitched this for a little project this week, will show you the follow up in a week or two.
Have a great day...and find YOUR balance!
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  1. Yes, chocolates (and other such goodies *s*) seem to know my name and call to me again and again.

  2. My local little corner shop is selling the Lindt Santa, Reindeer, and Snowman for only 99p! That is just not fair. How can I possibly resist?? (don't answer that - I haven't ;-)

  3. Yes, there is the time, BUT when given the choice between exercise and quilting I will ALWAYS choose the quilting. It would be terrible to be told to give it up.

    Love your stitchery!!!

  4. Chocolate, my greatest vice, well the only one I'm admitting to in public. LOL
    If a bar or box of choclaotes in unopened I can cope, as soon as someone opens it then it starts to call to me and I can't resist.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. It is 7am and I have already searched for some chocolate (that kind of morning). Don't think there is any which is probably good! Your heart looks better than mine did!!

  6. Oh dear, I have no balance. I cannot bear to give up crafting time to sweat !

  7. I hear you ... chocolate... mmmmmm lindt crunchy toffee is my downfall.. I do love a good top deck and a nestle crunch.. I am lactose intolerant, so not only does choccy make me fat, it makes me sick.. does it slow me down? um somewhat.. but I am still a fat blonde tart!

    I can't imagine how bad I'd be if I wasn't lactose intolerant.. I leave my lactese tablets at work so there is no temptation at home! how sick is that?

    nr Newcastle Happy Australia day to you!

  8. I know I'm bad but stuff loosing the six kilos - just give me the chocolate...vbg. A friend told us yesterday he had chocolate in his house for 8 months without being tempted. The man is insane - it wouldn't last 8 seconds around here...vbg.

  9. There can be a balance. As much as I hate to, I'm sacrificing crafting time to sweat. I need to fit back into my clothes...


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