Saturday, September 05, 2009

Quilt group sewing...and snowing!

Off to the School Snow trip tomorrow, 5 days in Mt. Hotham, 10 hours to get there in the bus!! I cannot believe the amount of organising it takes to leave home for that long with only one kid!But I am determined to have the house and life in order before I go, even cleaned the pantry...Dh worried I am pregnant or dying! Think either would be equally traumatic for him!

Think we are all finally on the road to recovery, one sick after the other! My boy, who is never sick, has been home for 10 days, girl about half that time....which probably explains the clean pantry!

The weather hasn't helped, although much of Australia is unseasonably hot, we are having the most rain for about 10 years, a little too much for cropping, but we really shouldn't complain, at least we can shower!

Dh needed me last weekend, (even more than usual!!)was putting out urea fertilizer on his canola and this happened...


spreader was nicely bogged

I had to help pull him out, well, I drove the green and he the red, then I had to take the red one back across to the gate...luckily you can't hit much in a paddock-that thing is big!! As we drove out of the paddock we said, this crop might be right if we get no more rain this weekend...we then got another 2 1/2 inches!!

Lots of little sewing jobs, these bags for presents...

And then last night we had our stack and whack night at Quilters, got some very different quilts...a few girls were away but the ones who were there produced these-

Kath's blocks...had a real sun, sand and surf feel.

Robyn's quilt top

(heather Bailey's fresh cut)

Christine's Kaffe fasset

and my Heather bailey, with partial sashings...we realised it was 12.30 am!!! Time stands still when you are sewing!

I may drop you a line from my mountain adventure. I have set up an invitation only snow camp blog for all the parents and am taking my laptop and camera to keep them in the loop, I may show you a good photo of me on my b--- as that is where I imagine I will be as I learn to ski!!Any good tips from my overseas friends?

Have a good week...hopefully I will! Tracey


  1. Interesting read as always. When I read snowing I thought you had snow. It has been cold and wet enough for snow, down here. Sking isn't as easy as it looks , remember lean forward and bend the 40 yr old knees, I like the quilt block, I might e able to do something like that , arr! inspiration it is wonderful.

  2. I know you will have a grand time. I gave up skiing years ago after tearing my knee up so don't ask me for advice. I also have a son who broke his back and another who broke both ankles (at the same time) skiing. Hope you come home unscathed. It's a tough sport.

    Think I'd stick with quilting if I were you. You do such an awesome job at that.

  3. Ski from the lodge....with the hot chocolate and a little sewing project. If you must venture out to the slopes.....take lots of pictures and stay off the skis.
    Have fun!!!
    Hugs, Barb

  4. Enjoy the skiing.

    Those stack n whack blocks look like fun.

  5. What a crazy country we live in. We still need quite a bit more rain. Your stack and whack quilts are terrific. What a variety of looks. Enjoy the snow.

  6. so much happening......wished you could get bogged here.........
    ........all the canola around here has been flowering.........

    have fun tips from me I am useless......only been once about 18 years ago.........

  7. bummer for getting bogged but Woohoo for rain!

    Skiing? Bend forward and keep those knees bent.

  8. Enjoy your time away.

    It's nice to see someone else getting some rain aswell as us. You need it more than us though. We have enough to keep us going for a while

    love and hugs Gina xxx

  9. Have a wonderful time! Glad everyone is finally well...hey I just thought of something, is your government talking about the swine flu and getting vaccinated as much as ours is?? We are heading into fall and there is much discussion about the shot before winter hits. I am not looking forward to sitting on my 12 year old so she can get one. sigh.
    Have fun on your trip!!

  10. Have fun ... I'll stay in the lodge.

    Pretty quilts. I believe that's a Stack and Slash pattern though.

    Bethany Reynolds made the Stack and Whack pattern famous.

  11. We will be having snow here soon enough, I am glad you will get to go enjoy it but you could keep it as long as you want cause I am not looking forward to shoveling my driveway LOL

  12. Sheesh! Rain rain go away! Skiing...start with lessons! My favorite place at the ski resort is next to the log burning fireplace, hand work and hot I am no help, but I do wish you a wonderful time in the a snowman! :o)

  13. I hope you are having a ball. I went on school ski trips as a kid....Loved every minute of it!

  14. Your weather sounds like bay of Plenty New Zealand - what ever you are getting you get lots of it. I hope the crop is okay!

    Enjoy yourself!

  15. Hope you have a great time away.
    Lucky dh had you on hand to help unbog the tractor and spreader.
    The stack and wacks look very cool and fun to make!


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