Monday, August 24, 2009

They all grow up...

Look what i found in my bath?

Seems my darling children have been too well trained. These chickens wandered out with their mother from some secret nest and she promptly abandoned them, my kids heard the cheeping and spent a hectic hour or so tracking them down..all while this mother was insisting on more beauty sleep as she had watched cricket until way too late and it was the weekend!!
I should have got up as when i finally did it was to find the chickens living in my bath!!and on a good towel, with half of our latest loaf of bread added for good measure! ahh, the joys! They have now been rehoused to a better mother (that's the chickens, not my kids!) and the bath has had a good scrub out to return to normal.
Seems the kids grow up way too fast, visited my niece, Daisy, on the weekend, she is now walking! I used her a crash test dummy on a few chenille bibs i want to make more of, she scored these two and is a much better model than me just taking a pic of them on the floor...don't you agree?

They were a hit with her, and her fashionable mother, so I will make a few more.
My own daughter has been doing lots of growing up and has been giving me the third degree about the reality of Santa. As you know, we are a religious family, but I have never felt that that precluded the fun of Santa. My daughter has a different view and seems to think that it has been a form of lying to her...and that it is counterproductive to the true meaning of Christmas..oh to be given that lecture by your 11 year old!! The only salve to my conscience is how much she enjoyed the 10 years of "Santa!"
We haven't delved into it much further since that chat, any advice from those who have been there??
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Well if she doesn't believe in Santa, then there are no gifts!
    My kids stopped giving me a hard time when I made that statement. We agreed to disagree on the matter and I still get to buy gifts and spoil them once a year.

  2. Cute pics.
    Gemma took the no Santa very well. She doesn't care who gives her the presents as long as she gets some.

    love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. Hi Tracey, your bibs are lovely .... Oh no about Santa. My partner said he had that view ( being lied to by parents ) when he was younger too.

  4. Sorry, no help here. I never believed in Santa as my mother was so horrified when she discovered the truth (she couldn't get over the fact that her parents had 'lied' to her for 10 years) that she swore she'd never do the same to her kids!

  5. My children loved Santa and when some kids at church pushed the parents lying thing they asked me about it. I told them it was a game that I enjoyed as a child and that it was a form of carrying on a wonderful tradition of the real St Nick. My kids were 10(each) by this time. I also talked about the loss of the magic with them. They accepted it and we had loads of fun.

  6. The baby birdies are darling, sorry about the good towel though, those are hard to come by at my house LOL!

    My kids each figured it out on there own at about 9, my dd thought it was "cool" to be in on an adult "secret" and my middle son just like to pretend he still believes for fear the presents will stop LOL! At least I still have my 5 year old.

  7. Santa , well he is a person who showers children with gifts and when you turn 9 or so you find out that your wonderful parents wanted you to share in with all the other children the joy of Santa. Though from an early age you always new that Christmas was about a baby named Jesus who was a gift to you. .

  8. The angle I used re: Santa - I told my girls that I'd heard, "If you don't believe, you don't receive." Santa brought packages wrapped in tissue, a different color for each girl. They STILL get tissue wrapped packages at 22, 24, 27. It's still fun to believe, and not grow up ALL the way! (And Santa will deliver to Iraq this year, whew!)

  9. This is a tough one for sure. I must confess I never taught my kids to believe in Santa. For us it was always about Jesus. I did teach them that it was a fun game and not to spoil it for other children, although my oldest daughter did spend some time in the 'naughty' chair when she was in pre-primary for telling the kids at school Santa wasn't real. I was a bit irate about that but she wasn't so I let it pass. Whatever you believe - emphasize the spirit of Christmas i.e. loving each other and giving (not receiving).

  10. I felt the same way when I found out there was no Santa!!!!Vowed I would NEVER lie to them about Santa- and didn't!


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