Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birthday review

Just a quick post tonight...letting you know I survived the party...just!! I have what is probably a chest infection and have worked the last few days, so not been up to much posting!

Had a great time and caught up with alll my favourite people.

Apparently the consensus is, you want to see the dress-actually on!

So here is my sister and myohsofaketannedself-it's winter here peoples!

My darling daughter came to the hairdressers with me and had hair straightened for the night.....and you can see my son refused to get out of his normal "uniform" of tshirt and shorts!

My friend, Lyn, made my favourite Hummingbird cake, it was delicious. She made it in 4 big slabs and iced them together, little secret for you, there was enough over to cut up in a tupperware container in the freezer...did you know it only takes a couple of minutes for Hummingbird cake to defrost for a perfect snack with your coffee??

Many of you know Lise, from the Chocolate Cat, I have borrowed this pic from her blog, because I like it even if she isn't that excited!

I will share a few quilty birthday presents shots with you next post, but this can't wait....

DH gave me this eternity ring!! Bought it himself!! No help from our daughter, my sister or me...and it fitted perfectly! He is soooo loved right now, (of, course, difficult to be anymore than usual. LOL!) between that and the party he reckons he's right to buy a lot of machinery in coming months!-and he is probably right!!

To top the birthday off, as I was wandering into the house at 3 am, I happened to put on the cricket for a score and discovered we had routed the English for 102 and were looking great, had a lovely time rewatching that a couple of times on Saturday!! A perfect birthday all round!!

Thank you for all good wishes, I'll announce the winners of the Top 40 next post! Tracey


  1. Sorry that you aren't feeling well.

    The party sounds like it was wonderful and you look beautiful in the dress.

    Great job of DH on the present. Think you need to keep him around a bit longer!

  2. First let me say you look lovely at your party! I am sorry your feeling a bit yucky.

    Second the cake looks to die for and you are right you should ALWAYS have left over cake!

    Third You Dh really needs to talk to mine about appropriate 40th birthday gifts LOL!!! Beautiful ring.

  3. The dress looks much better on you than it did on that hanger, lol. So happy to hear that you enjoyed your party...turning 40 is not so bad? Beautiful ring from your sweetie. He did better than he'll ever really know. :) Give yourself a good rest so you can get over that infection.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday Tracey. I LOVE your dress- it is really flattering and elegant.

    I hope you feel 100% again really soon - looking at that new ring must help.

  5. Looks like you had a lovely day, and what a beautiful ring! Hope you feel better soon :)

  6. Hope you're on the mend. What a great night - you looked fab! Glad you went for the fake tan :) And big snaps to your DH!

  7. Tracey, it looks like a great party and your dress is stunning - many many many happy returns.

  8. I'm so glad you had a great night.

    Told you we weren't going to win didn't I.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  9. So glad you had a wonderful birthday. Sorry I have been slack in the birthday wishes department but I was thinking of you. Love the dress and the tan....vbg. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  10. sick cause you wore that skimpy dress in WINTER......but with the fake tan it looks great.....
    ...maybe you needed to drink and little more rum......go the bundy bear.......

  11. Your dress is perfect. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  12. You look marvelous! The ring is gorgeous. Your DH is a great guy.

  13. You looked great, the dress is stunning. Love the ring, DH did well! Mine will buy necklaces and earrings, but not rings :(

    I hope you feel better soon!

  14. A beautiful dress for a beautiful lady. The cake and ring look wonderful also.

  15. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES TO YOU. Welcome to the 40's club.
    You look lovely, the dress is beautiful. Yummy looking cake and well done on the jewellery. All so very special for a special birthday.
    Congratulations and best wishes.

  16. Happy belated birthday! Love the dress and glad it was a wonderful party

  17. Oh my gosh I'm sooooooo far behind in my blog reading, you looked absolutely fabulous. Ahhhh 40 is just merely a number, nothing to it. You will face it with as much get up and go as you do life. Happy (very belated) birthday.


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