Thursday, July 30, 2009

Photography joys, brolgas and books.

This photography business may look easy, but boy, do i have some fun getting the "right' picture!!

I had thought that spending an hour in the heat trying to keep quilts on calves was tricky, followed closely by trying to keep chickens on calves' heads, cats lying on the dog, chickens sitting on a get the picture!

But that was before I attempted to join David Attenborough in the nature photo business! I have a specific order for brolga cards...(.and I can now see why there aren't many!!)..the cards should be $100 each to justify the time spent lying in reeds and trekking through paddocks, the wet feet and the generally wet me! All my other Australian animals have just popped up in front of me, but these like to keep a very discreet distance.

So, have a look through these and tell me which may lend themeselves most to a card in your eyes, or whether I must keep trekking and give up any idea of sewing this week!!!

We'll call the first photo #1, and move on accordingly. Oh, the brolgas are the big grey things!!

This last one of swans I just liked!

I finally have the dress for next week's big party. I have given into the fact that I will not wake up at my 25 year old self's size miraculously one morning so did the shopping! I am very happy with it and it feels lovely on. I haven't had a formal dress since I was pregnant with the 11 year old and in a wedding...lucky me!! I had to have the size 18 dress and the other bridesmaid was a 10 (we have different sizes to the U.S here, I was not THAT big!)
Here is a little sneaky peek...

I have Quilters tomorrow night so if you are lamenting the lack of quilting action you should see some work after that, I hear there has been lots of bushfire quilt progress!
Oh, and I try not to read too much gory stuff, I have trouble getting word pictures out of my head, but someone told me if I loved the Time Traveller's Wife I would love "The Lovely Bones". ??? Well, I did read the whole thing in a couple of days as the mystery part of it got me in, but the premise has meant my girl will be 25 before I let her walk home from school! DH said when i went to sleep the first night after those first chapters i was calling out and obviously really upset in my sleep..I think I better go back to Janet Evanovich and Georgette Heyer for a week or two!! When is Janet's next one out, or have I missed something??
Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Love the photos, especially 4, 5 and 6.
    Today the sun is shining, for a change, so it looks like a full days cricket. I'll be running around getting all my jobs done first thing and then I can sit and watch it with my hand sewing.

    Love and hugs Gina xx

  2. goodluck........they are so shy.........your doing well to get any pics.......

  3. I'm no help picking cards, they all look good to me.
    We have a bunch of those birdies living in our wild life park, they are really tame, you can get up real close and take all the pictures you want! LOL Come for a visit and I'll take you.

  4. Love the shot of the two taking off together

  5. I like 4 & 6 best! I think sewing sounds like the better pass time though.

  6. My best and favourites are 2,4,5&6. I love the shape and layout of 2.

    i loved Time Traveller's Wife but refuse to read Lovely Bones despite the insistence of my sister.

  7. The photos look great...particularly like the one where they are in flight.

  8. Photos 2,4 and 6 but no scary books for me. My mind would have me in nightmares for weeks.

  9. I really like 3 with the dead tree, then 5 and 6.
    No scary books or movies for me!

  10. I LOVED "Lovely Bones", but I finished another of Seybold's books, "Almost Moon". Very odd, a book about a woman who has killed her mother. OK, so I read it cover to cover in about 24 hours, but it was WEIRD nonetheless!!! lol

    My former last name was Swan, so you know which pic I like.

  11. Yes 4,5,& 6 If I didn't have to choose I would like them all. Great photos.

  12. I like 4 and 6 best. The dress looks lovely.

  13. Great brolga shots. And the dress is stunning. Do we get to see a pic of it on?


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