Thursday, July 02, 2009

Launch of card site and a possible prize!

We at the farm would like to make a BIG announcement!!

As a direct result of the fun I have had on this blog, and the fabulous support and encouragement i have received, I started producing my own cards. I have previewed these many times on the blog.

This little hobby is now rather larger, I'm retailing them around the district and doing regular markets. it has been tricky to show the whole range for those interested so it now has it's own blogspot,

If you click on this link you can check out the whole 125!!!

As a little taste of what you will see, I have included a few here.

I have no intention of these becoming what the blog is about, other than a link in the sidebar you wont hear much after next week, but it wouldn't be a real launch if there was not a competition. You know I love them!! So pop over to visit and come back and tell me your TOP 5 in these comments. The cards are all numbered so you just need to give the numbers...comments are most welcome as well!! There will be a number of packs of 8 cards, with complimentary gift cards, to win...your choice of card. Winners will be chosen at random by my junior assistants!

As an added launch week bonus, Choose 9 cards at $2 each and I will post them and your complimentary gift cards for only an extra $2 to you anywhere in the world. ..And we are talking Australian dollars people!! Any quantities can be mailed, with deals available for higher quantities....just email me regarding your order.

Competition closes Wednesday, 8th July.

Have fun choosing! Tracey


  1. Ooo! you clever thing. I shall go check it out.

  2. umm, excuse me! how on god's earth is a person supposed to choose 5 favourites from all those fab cards? I LOVE them all! they are SO me.
    congrats tracey, well done.
    julie x

  3. oops....i limited myself, i swear! but i ended up with 6 anyway! 19-boots quilt, 11-horse canola, 43-calf in quilt, 47-teddy realises, 49 lambs on stone bridge, 104-proverbs 2.

    great cards, all! very clever.

  4. Well I had a hard time picking so I just randomly wrote some of my favorites, 7, 13, 39, 41, 46. They are all very pretty!

  5. Congratulations on your idea. Your cards are fabulous, very Austarlian flavour in many of them. I wish you well with your sales.
    Hugs from NZ.

  6. Could it be any more difficult to choose only 5! After much scrolling up and down, here are my five. 11, 31, 47, 56 and 61.

  7. They're all gorgeous, but I've narrowed them down to 5 Canola Fence, 10 Local Cemetry, 47 Teddy Realises, 62 Congratulations and my absolute favourite 41 A sister.

  8. Your pictures tells great stories! My favorites will be: 4, 9, 41, 43 and 46. Please keep taking pretty and funny pictures!

  9. Where do you find the time ??
    Wonderful photo's inspires me to take the camera out with me. Had a really tough time choosing but here are my favourites,
    2,16,21,43,75 Well done

  10. Beautiful, beautiful cards! Picking favorites was far too hard. For the contest's sake I choose #'s 11,29,33,36,37. And I truly would love to buy some if I can figure out how to pay for them. Would you take a U.S. check written in American $ ;) I will do that by email since choosing might get even harder!!!!!

  11. Great cards I love 9-13-21-29-32
    But they are all really good. Good luck with them.

  12. Oh Tracey! How exciting for you! You must be really busy! But your cards are always great! Your photography is always wonderful as well.

    Yeah, picking top 5! Geez.. lets see....

    4. Wasted Life (for sure!!!!)
    19. Boots Quilt
    2. Sunset Wire
    5. Canola Fence
    9. Frizzle with chicks
    14. Plain Wheat
    52. Closeup Pink Flower
    121. Large Orange Flower
    125. Blade Quilt chooks

    OK, so there are 9, not 5 - but I had a hard time even narrowing it down to 9!!!!!!

  13. That's fantastic news Tracey... I've always loved your cards, can't wait to go check out the site..

    Jodie :)

  14. Hellooo Down there

    Love your new card line - very well done.
    The ones that stand out for me are 14, 59, 80, 82 and 93.

    I would love to win your give away.
    Best of luck in your new venture!!!

  15. I'm happy just to leave a comment because I couldn't choose either . So many great cards , I do like the teddy bear and baby one though !

  16. Hi there... have had a lot of fun selecting cards... it was not so easy!!! My favourites are: 46 Laugh, Love, 85 Shrub closeup, 94 Poppy, 97 Love well, quilt much and 125 Blade quilt chooks...:o)))
    You have lovely cards... :o))

  17. Congratulations!!! I love your cards!! I love them all....seriously!!

  18. What a clever Girl you are. These cards are exceptional my choice is
    28,32,37,58,94,11well you know I can't count when it is really necessary. My order is in the mail

  19. Oh! They are just great cards. Some of my favourites were numbers 13,37,39,61 and 86. Congratulations and Happy Days.

  20. Congrats on your new venture Tracey! My faves are 20, 48, 49, 52, 58.

    I like the emotive scenery ones apparently!

  21. Tracey - your cards are absolutely stunning. Well done. I'm sure they are going to be an even bigger success than they are already. Gosh it's hard to only pick five - they are all so good but in the end I narrowed it down to 32, 44, 58, 61 and 113 - cause I think that one truly sums up life on the land.

  22. No fair, I can't choose just 5, they are all fabulous. so I'll go with my top 7
    6. mountain tractor view
    8. lightening verse
    32. that sucks
    56. chick on calf
    65. lift your eyes
    88. lamb and mountains
    124 cow sunset

    And all the cute calf and quilt ones. Told you I couldn't choose.

    Anyway if your assistants pick me for the prize then it may go someway to forgiving you for hammering us in the Ashes. Yes I know it hasn't started yet but I've got a baaaad feeling about the series. Can you believe they are playing the first match 10 miles down the road from me and I can't go because I'm going on holiday. Talk about bad timing.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  23. They are all wonderful. What a great project. Oops...I wrote down 6 too! 13,19,28,34,36,47

  24. Your photos look so much like mine.

    My top favs are: 2, 8, 14, 22, and 40. I stopped there because you have SOOOOOO many!

  25. You´re an artist, for sure!, I´d like to be your follower and I´m not really sure how to do it, I´m a newbie :(

  26. Oh good on you, what a fabulous venture, and something you enjoy. You have such a knack for the perfect photograph and nothing like what you can get in the stores. Bravo.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!