Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finished my hand pieced Lone Star!!

Whoo-hoo...light the fireworks,break out the whisky (any excuse!!) ....we have an identified and competed UFO!!!!!


Okay, well, that was a slight lie. It is completed in that it is bound, the star is fully finished and appliqued on-AND the star is shaded in...wait for it...drum roll please...real, honest to goodness, HAND QUILTING!!! I am hoping for more hand quilting in the big gold areas, but as it is attached to a pre-quilted back there isn't a desperate hurry for this.
Yes, that is correct, the only thing not done by hand on this quilt is the attaching of the binding to edge-everything else has been completed by these hands that spend half their time playing up on me! The star was all individual diamond templates.
My Dh and I had date night by his mother's hospital bed last night, between that and two kids playing sport I have got a lot of work done on it lately.

It is from Kathy Shmitz's blackbird Village range of a few years ago. It was started a few summers ago and has waited patiently for me to work out how to complete it for a LONG time! I love Lone or Bethlehem stars and am very proud of this one!
Thank you for all the kind comments and support regarding my MIL. There is no improvement, it is my DH's 8th vigil tonight. I am very proud of him. They seem to be rapidly increasing her doses of morphine, but even then she is only settling for an hour at a time.
Too much depressing stuff, not what my blog's point is, so today I took some farm photos for you when i was going around the ewes and lambs. Unlike Scarlett's offsider in Gone with the wind, I do know a bit about birthing babies and I bought these two into the world, then enjoyed the sun on my back and the restfulness of kids at their grandparents and not being able to wake DH at home for half an hour while I watched their Mama go about her side of the deal...

Licking them clean and dry....
Let's just hope for her sake that is spearmint flavoured!!

Cautious first steps..

She's just smelling to check I wore gloves-oh boy, did I ever wear gloves!!
Off to dig up the chutney recipe..I must find the chutney recipe!-and sweep the floor, and do some exercise and clean out the kid's school bags..and wash...sigh!....
Hope your day is great, Tracey

ps, the reptile on my knee last post was a blue-tongued lizard..and I still love them! And yes, they do bite, something my Mother may have taken into consideration but then I wouldn't have one of my favourite pics!


  1. Congrats on a stunning finish!

    Love the pictures of the lambs.

    Thinking of you and your family as you keep vigil.

  2. Hand quilting is just the right thing for this quilt. Very nice work on the piecing! Seems that your MIL could not have chosen a better mate for her son had she hand picked you herself. Thank ewe so much for the sweet photos.

  3. Your quilt is very impressive, definately not in the same state I last saw it!! Love the lamb pictures, what a great midwife you are!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all xxx please yell if I can do anything.

  4. Yay! A great finish. Hand quilted too!
    Thinking of you.

  5. woohoo celebration time...........'
    love baby lambs.....hopes things go as best they can with the MIL.........thinking of you........

  6. Wow hand quilted. Wonderful. Looks great. Love the lambs. Too cute.
    Hope all is OK with the MIL

  7. All babies are just so darn cute! I used to want to live on a farm. It wasn't until I was older that I realized all the work involved!


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