Monday, April 06, 2009

Friday night quilt group.

Our Friday night quilt group is normally a fairly relaxing affair; we catch up on the month's news, share show and tell and husband stories, find out what each others kids are doing, eat too much chocolate supper and drink a lot of coffee or Robyn's essence of Dandelion tea...then realise it's midnight and we should go home, problems of the world all fixed for another month!

Laast Friday night's quilters was at my house...and there was no time..nor room for that relax!

The girls were confronted with hundreds of blocks and quilts and proceeded to continue the sort...

..and continue the sort..

I wish I had taken photos of every group of quilt blocks that were grouped, but here are two...

We found this late in the night in a bag of fabric from Darla in the Blue Mountains, it had slipped through the initial ID process, the circles are all sewn on and in strips. This appealed to Chris as a project so has gone home with her for the holidays, as have a few others. In fact all the girls took sorted blocks home that appealed to them to sew into tops...Well done girls!


We were having fun with stars here, eventually came up with a full star quilt..


-that I think went home with Kath.

Kerrin, on the right of the previous photo took home a mainly pink and blue assortment of blocks. She has already finished the top and called for more blocks!(Her husband was away on a fishing trip!)

The girls couldn't believe the generosity shown, many beautiful blocks! Lise and I were more than happy to share the sewing.......

The next morning I had a market to do. Took the cards and had a very successful day.

Saturday afternoon I tried out the garden apron made from a t-towel that I saw on Stephanie's blog, came from calamity jane and click on her name to go to the Tute. I did very simple ones as practise for School market items. Great idea Jane!

This one has cotton rope threaded through the hem to make the tie. I used the cotton label tape that came with the t-towels as a logo.

This has that blue cotton tape as the binding and tie.

And finally, everyone I owe parcels too, look and be excited!!! All mailed today so, watch the post!!

In today's Who magazine ('People' in the US) they have a photo of one of 3 wrapping rooms in Candy Spelling's home. A good theory-if you have millions of dollars to spare, but the wrapping is not my favourite part of the gift, I'm not patient enough for fancy stuff! Looked like a good spot for fabric stash though to me!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Looks like you all had fun with the block sort! They all look great. The closest I have come to a wrapping room is a large box with all the wrapping stuff in it!

  2. sounds like you had such fun at your quilt group meeting and that everyone has at least one project to work on. Lovely blocks. Love the Bulls Eye blocks.


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